He unzipped Priest’s pants, and when he pushed them off his hips and knelt to help him step out of them, Robbie found himself face to face with Priest’s very obvious erection.

He glanced up at Priest, who indicated the large wicker basket in the corner, and after Robbie tossed the trousers inside, he licked his lips and went up on his knees. He knew they were about to get ready to go and make dinner, but before they went, he needed to…

Robbie leaned forward and rubbed his cheek over the soft cotton molding to Priest’s thick length. The low rumble that came from above had him doing it again, and the hands in his hair had Robbie’s mouth parting so he could lightly mouth his way up the cock he’d been grinding against earlier.

“Christ, Robert.” Priest tightened his hands in Robbie’s hair and tilted his face up. “Be careful. I could get used to this.”

Robbie got to his feet and he began to unbutton Priest’s shirt. “Which part?”

“All of it,” Priest said without pause. “You waiting in here for me fresh and showered. You greeting me. You undressing me. All of it.”

Robbie nodded, loving the sound of that, more than he ever knew he would. “Yes.”

“Yes?” Priest said, as Robbie reached the final button and slipped his hands under the shirt to push it off Priest’s shoulders.

As it fell down Priest’s arms, Robbie bent his head and put his lips over Priest’s left nipple and said, “Yes.”

Once Priest’s shirt was free and he was left standing in only his boxer briefs, he took Robbie’s wrists and tugged him forward to say against his mouth, “You like the idea of that? Of undressing me?”

“Yes. I…” Robbie licked his lips, nervous about what he was feeling and saying. “I like to do things for you. For Julien. It makes me feel…”

As Robbie trailed off, Priest said, “It makes you feel what, Robert?”

“Needed,” Robbie confessed. “Wanted. I like knowing that I please the both of you.”

“You do, very much so. With or without doing this.”

“I know,” Robbie said, and gnawed on his lip. “But I never knew how good it would make me feel to do this for someone. How vital it makes me feel. How special…”

When Priest put a finger beneath Robbie’s chin and tipped his face up, Robbie’s entire body trembled at the touch.

This was powerful. What was happening right here? What he was feeling? It was on a level Robbie had never experienced before, one he’d never explored, and never had he been more terrified than he was right now in giving up this truth to Priest.

“You are very special. We all are. And each day we’re discovering another reason why. So from now on, if you are home when I get here, it would please me very much to find you waiting to undress me, without me having to ask. Do you understand?”

“Fuck,” Robbie said.

“That’s not an answer, Robert.”

“Yes.” Robbie nodded eagerly. “I’ll be waiting.”

“Good,” Priest said, and lowered his hand. “Now, I believe Julien mentioned that you’re cooking us dinner tonight?”

Robbie tried to remember how to string a sentence together as Priest took a pair of grey sweats and a black t-shirt from a drawer, and when he slipped them on, Robbie finally managed, “Yes. That’s right.”

“And what are you cooking?”

“His famous cheese soufflés.”

“Is that right?” Priest said as he picked up his shirt and tossed it in the laundry basket, and then headed out of the closet with Robbie by his side.

“It is. He said I could pick anything, and since I’m a total stalker, I wanted to learn the dish that won him his first challenge and—”

“Earned him the nickname ‘the Prick’?”

“Yes. Exactly.”

“Hmm. That might’ve been part of it. But I think you asked him for another reason,” Priest said, and when Robbie went to deny it, Priest arched an eyebrow.

“Okay…yes,” Robbie said, and looked down at his hands, which he twisted together, wondering if Priest would be mad that he’d pushed Julien today. “This morning when you left, we were fooling around in the kitchen, and…” As those words left his mouth, Robbie’s eyes flew up to Priest’s. He suddenly felt shy about admitting that.

“Go on,” Priest said, his expression hinting at nothing other than concern and curiosity over what Robbie was telling him. There was no anger or jealousy anywhere in sight.

“Well, he said something to me that…” Robbie paused and then shrugged. “It struck a chord. He tried to brush it off, but it was so sad, and I know I don’t know what happened with his sister and I don’t want to push him or anything. But today, when he asked me to pick something to cook, it hit me that this meal that he made on the show? It has some kind of connection to her, doesn’t it? ‘Most meaningful.’ It has to. And the fact that he hulked out when they pushed for information about who he made it for? Anyway, I thought if we made it together, he might want to share it with me. Get things off his chest.”