Robbie startled at Priest’s voice, guiltily dropped the material, and spun around on his toes. Priest was standing at the door of the closet with his shoulder up against the jamb and his ankles crossed, as he ran his eyes down over Robbie.

“I…I was just becoming better acquainted with—” Robbie stopped talking when he caught the side of Priest’s lips tug up into a grin. “You’re messing with me, aren’t you?”

Priest pushed off the doorjamb and walked forward until he was standing directly in front of Robbie, and then he leaned in and said against his lips, “I’m messing with you. But if you’d like one of my suits to roll around on naked, I’d happily give you one. As long as I can watch.”

Robbie opened his mouth to answer, but before he could, Priest wrapped an arm around his waist and took Robbie’s lips in a kiss that had him clinging to Priest’s arms, so he wouldn’t faint at his feet.

Robbie’s entire body responded to the way Priest just took what he wanted, and he most definitely took this kiss. He slid his tongue between Robbie’s lips and tangled it with his, and Robbie moaned as he plastered himself against Priest’s front and let him have his way.

Strong hands stroked down Robbie’s back, and when Priest grabbed his ass and pulled him even closer, Robbie ground his hips against the thick cock he could feel poking up against him, and then yanked his mouth away.

“God,” Robbie managed, as Priest continued to knead his ass. “Did you miss me today or something?”

Yes, it was a shameless question, but Robbie didn’t care. He wanted Priest to miss him. He wanted Julien to also. Hell, he missed them when they weren’t there. So it was only fair, right?

“What makes you think that?” Priest asked, but the light in his eyes was a clear indicator to Robbie that his serious lawyer was playing with him.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Robbie said, as he ran one of his hands down Priest’s lapels and picked away some imaginary lint. “Maybe the fact you can’t keep your hands off me. Or that lovely, big cock that’s testing the resolve of the zipper of your pants.”

“And here I thought I hid my feelings so well.”

“Your feelings, yes,” Robbie said, and then rocked his hips forward, making Priest’s fingers clench against his ass. “Your cock? Not so much. Not that I’m complaining. I happen to like this feeling of yours, very much.”

“I can see that,” Priest said as he released his hold on Robbie, and then swatted him on the ass. “I also see that you managed to fit all of your clothes in here. I have to say, I had my doubts.”

Robbie turned so he was once again facing the clothing he’d spent the last hour or so arranging. “I did too. But it seems I fit in just perfectly with you two.”

Priest put his lips down beside Robbie’s ear and said, “I couldn’t agree more.”

Robbie shivered as Priest stepped around him and loosened his tie, and as he shrugged out of his jacket, Robbie couldn’t think of anything to say. He just wanted to stand there and watch as Priest undressed for the day, as he relaxed. Well, as much as Priest ever relaxed.

“Did you enjoy yourself with Julien at the restaurant today?”

“I did,” Robbie said, and took an empty hanger off the rack and handed it to Priest. “He taught me the meal I’m going to cook for you tonight.”

“So he said.”

Robbie nodded, as Priest put back the hanger that now held his jacket. Then he reached for his belt buckle, and Robbie took a step forward, unable, and unwilling, to quell the sudden urge he had to help Priest undress.

When Priest’s hands stilled, Robbie looked up at him and said, “May I?”

“You may.” Priest kept their eyes locked, as Robbie pulled the leather tongue of the belt through the metal clasp, then unfastened it and pulled it free of Priest’s pants.

When the strip of leather was in Robbie’s hand, Priest said, “In here,” and pulled open the top drawer of one of the dressers, where several other belts were neatly coiled and sitting flat on the top shelf.

Once Robbie placed it down in the empty spot, Priest shut the drawer and lowered his arm down by his side. “Now the rest, princess.”

And as though Robbie had done this a million times before instead of, well, never, he went about undressing Priest. He crouched down and untied Priest’s shoes, and after he removed them, Robbie stood and reached for the button on Priest’s pants.

“Is this okay?” Robbie asked, but he could tell by the fervent way Priest was watching him that he was most certainly doing something right.

“It is much more than okay.”

Robbie’s cheeks heated from the pleasure he heard in Priest’s voice, and he couldn’t believe how much satisfaction he got from knowing he was the one responsible for it.