“It’s perfect. Robbie has two tables to fill, and I know he’d love to have you there.”

Tate glanced at Priest, clearly making sure he was okay with it, and then chuckled. “Okay. We’d love to.”

“Fantastic,” Julien said. “It’s on Valentine’s Day.”

“Oh, even better,” Tate said. “I’ll just tell Logan I’m taking him somewhere special.”

“And he won’t mind that it’s Julien’s place?” Priest asked, and Tate looked at him and shook his head.

“After the lovely…chat you two had on his first day back, he’s had some time to come around. He’s happy for Robbie, he was just being—”

“Logan?” Priest said. “Yes, well, his mind may have changed since he found out today that Robbie has moved in with us.”

Julien watched Tate’s face closely at that piece of information, waiting for some kind of shock to cross his face. But instead, he grinned at the two of them and said, “I don’t know whether to congratulate the two of you or wish you luck. Robbie’s a handful.”

“That he is,” Priest agreed.

Julien let his eyes wander to the beautiful man now heading in their direction and said, “Lucky for us, we have four hands between the two of us.” Which had Tate laughing.

“We won’t hold him up tonight, you have our word,” Priest said, as Robbie got closer. “We just realized we hadn’t been here together and decided to come and check it out.”

“Sure thing,” Tate said. “And I’m sure the bar is the last thing you’re here to check out. Trust me, I have no problem with you being here. Logan used to come into the bar I worked at every night. As long as he paid, I didn’t care. The same goes here. As long as you’re paying, you can sit here and flirt with him as long as you like.”

“Good to know,” Priest said. “We just might do that.”

“You just might do what?” Robbie said, as he finally saddled up beside Tate and let his eyes move from Julien to Priest.

“Sit here and flirt with you all night,” Priest said with his eyes locked on Robbie’s, and when Tate turned to look at him, Robbie’s face flushed pink.

“Are you blushing?” Tate said.

“No.” Robbie glared at Priest, who had a smug expression on his face, making the color spread further down his neck. “Quit looking at me like that. I’m at work, Mr. Priestley.”

“Like that’s bothered you in the past,” Tate said, and then looked at Priest. “I’m impressed. You made him shy. That has to be a first.”

“I…” Robbie said, and then got hold of himself and propped his hands on his hips. “I am not shy.”

“Looks like it to me,” Tate said with a shit-eating grin. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you blush.”

Robbie then went from rosy-cheeked to full-on scarlet, and suddenly Julien wanted that face turned in his direction.

“Now that’s a shame. He’s so pretty when he does. Don’t you think?” Julien said, and just as he’d hoped, Robbie angled his head in his direction. “Mignon comme une, princesse. Pretty as a princess.”

A stunning smile curved Robbie’s lips, and as Julien ran his eyes down over him, Robbie forgot his moment of embarrassment and preened under the attention.

“Keep going…” Robbie said.

Instead, Julien tapped his lips and said, “Embrasse-moi,” and was delighted when Robbie didn’t think twice about it. He leaned across the bar and kissed him, right there in front of Priest, Tate, and anyone else who wanted to see, and that made Julien’s possessive side sit up and take immediate attention.

When Robbie pulled back, he looked to Tate, who shook his head.

“He does have a certain shine about him tonight beyond the usual glitter and lip gloss,” Tate said, and when Robbie poked his tongue out, Tate chuckled. “Okay. Okay. I’m going to leave you three to it. I hope you have a good night. Let me know if you need anything.”

With a final wave, Tate walked off and Robbie moved to stand between the two men and put his hands on the counter. He then aimed one of the sultriest looks Julien had seen in Priest’s direction and said, “Well, don’t you want to kiss me too?”

Priest opened his mouth, but before he could speak, Robbie raised his hand and put a finger to Priest’s lips—much the same way Priest would usually do.

“There’s only one right answer here,” Robbie said, sucking on that shiny lip of his. “And I should warn you, if I don’t hear it, I will pout.”

Priest took Robbie’s wrist, pushed up on his stool, and then tugged him forward until they met halfway across the bar. Then he said against Robbie’s mouth, “Can’t have that now, can we?” and pressed a rough kiss to Robbie’s lips.

Robbie let out a dreamy sigh as Priest let him go, and then fanned his face with his hand. “No, we certainly can’t.” As he straightened, Robbie looked between the two of them and said, “You know, a boy sure could get used to this. Two sexy men showing up at his work to—what did you say—flirt with me?”