“I did,” Priest said. “We wanted to see you.”
“Well,” Robbie said, and batted his lashes, “feel free to look.”
Priest’s lips quirked at the sides as he reached for the thin menu on the counter and began studying it. “You are incorrigible.”
“Which you like, if I recall.”
“You would be right,” Priest said, looking at him over the menu. “So, keep up this sassy attitude of yours. It makes us hard as hell.”
“Hmm,” Robbie said, and touched the tip of his tongue to his top lip. “I like that.”
Julien licked his own lips, wanting Robbie’s tongue in his mouth. “Sassy, cheeky, flirty. You’re exactly what was missing to our night, princesse. You’re parfait.”
“So you weren’t kidding? You really are going to sit here and flirt with me all night?”
Robbie’s eyes were alight with excitement at the prospect, and Julien didn’t think he’d ever seen him look so beautiful.
“That’s the plan,” Priest said. “At least until we can take you home and get you naked.”
“Jesus,” Robbie said. “You can’t say shit like that to me when I still have hours left. Now that’s all I’m going to be able to think about.”
“It’s all we’re going to be thinking about too,” Julien said, and shifted on his seat, his dick stiffening at the arousal swirling in Robbie’s eyes. “Where, when, who first…”
Robbie gulped in a breath of air and then looked all around to make sure no one was listening, and luckily for them, they were fairly secluded in the corner at the end of the bar. “Umm…that’s super hot.”
“So are you,” Priest said. “Now let me read this menu and order us some food. I doubt Julien’s eaten all day, and we need to feed him so he doesn’t fall off his stool with his first drink.”
As if a light bulb went off, Robbie’s eyes widened and he turned Julien’s way. “Oh my God. I can’t believe I didn’t ask as soon as I saw you. How did the interview go?” Julien winced, and Robbie screwed up his nose. “That good, huh? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, princesse.” Julien winked, trying to reassure Robbie that he was telling the truth. “I’m fine.”
Robbie pursed his lips, his eyes narrowing on Julien. He wasn’t buying that for a second. “Are you lying to me?”
Julien chuckled, and Priest said, “Yes, he is. That’s why we’re out drinking.” Priest then placed a hand on Julien’s thigh and squeezed. “But tonight he wants to pretend he’s okay, so you and I? We’re are going to let him.”
“That’s right. The only thing I want to think about doing tonight,” Julien said to Robbie, “is you.”
Robbie’s lips parted, and a soft “oh” left his lips.
“Want to help me out with that?”
Robbie didn’t speak, merely nodded—slowly.
“Bien. Then I think I’d like a drink,” Julien said, finding this detour a very effective one, because right now all he wanted was to rip Robbie’s clothes off and sink his cock deep inside the willing body he knew he would find under that uniform.
“Um,” Robbie said, and when Priest laughed, Robbie cleared his throat. “Stop laughing at me. I’m… Shit. Give me a minute. I can’t think when he’s being all French and looking at me like I’m naked.”
“Would you like me to stop?” Julien asked.
“Hell no. Do I look stupid?” Robbie said, taking a step back and indicating his body.
“No,” Priest said, and ran his eyes over Robbie. “You look like you’re”—Priest cleared his throat—“at work and therefore off-limits.”
Robbie let out a deep sigh, and as he rolled his eyes, he said in his most professional tone, “Okay, spoilsport, fine. Good evening, Mr. Priestley and Mr. Thornton, welcome to The Popped Cherry. What can I get for you both tonight, until, of course, you’re able to have me?”
And it was in that moment that Julien found he went from smitten to one hundred percent falling for the man behind the bar with the twinkling eyes and charming disposition.
Chapter Thirteen
There is nothing more tempting than a ballsy princesse asking for what he wants.
A FEW HOURS later, the bar was no less crowded, but the floor and booths had begun to thin out as people who wanted to spend the entire night out on the town moved on, and those who were done went home.
Robbie glanced at the clock to see it was around thirty minutes away from closing, and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d watched the time so hard. But then his eyes searched out the two responsible for his sudden obsession with wishing his night away, and when he spotted Julien and Priest now seated in one of the booths across the bar, Robbie took a moment to study the men he now considered his.
He couldn’t believe his eyes when they’d shown up tonight. One minute it had been a normal Friday night at work, and the next he’d been face to face with the two men that occupied what felt like every thought in his mind at every hour of the day.