Priest’s eyes seemed to spark with enjoyment at this reveal. “I was.”

Robbie shifted to face Julien. “And you were on the phone?”

“I was.”

“Wow…our first three-way,” Robbie said, shaking his head. “That’s unbelievable. But I totally remember it now. Huh. Okay, but now you need to tell me what that all meant. The French stuff you were saying that day.” Priest smirked, and Robbie pouted. “Aww, come on, that’s not fair. Maybe I’ll just start speaking Italian.”

“If you do, we’d both learn it,” Priest said.


Priest nodded. “Really.”

“Okay, so, I need to learn French. Got it. But come on. I’ve had a bad day, tell me… Please.” Robbie batted his lashes for good measure and made them both laugh.

“Hmm, let me see. He told me what you looked like and said that you were a delectable little creature,” Julien said. “He was quite enamored, princesse.”

“Really?” Robbie asked, straightening in his chair, and then he put his elbows on the counter and placed his chin in his hands as he looked at Priest. “And are you still enamored after finally having me?”

“Yes. I find that I am.”

Robbie let out a pleased laugh at the quick response, and then smiled at Julien.

“It feels good to please him, oui?”

That made Robbie’s smile drop, as though he hadn’t realized that that was the reason he was so happy. Then Julien reached out and stroked his fingers down Robbie’s cheek.

“Smile, mon cher petit. You make everything that’s dark fade to nothing when you smile.”

Robbie’s cheeks heated at the compliment as Julien leaned forward to press a kiss to his lips, and when Julien released him, Robbie turned his eyes back to Priest. “I never knew that was you.”

“I know,” Priest said. “You weren’t ready to see.”

Robbie looked between both men, and as he sat back in his seat, a smile slowly spread across his lips. “I am now.”

Priest began to put their plates in the sink, and Julien got off his seat and said, “I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted. So, why don’t we pack all of this up and go and lie down. Get some sleep.”

Robbie bit down on his lower lip and looked over his shoulder at the spare room. They hadn’t actually invited him to their bed tonight, and the prospect of sleeping alone suddenly seemed so depressing. “Am I… Where am I…?”

“You can sleep in there if you like.” Julien’s voice floated across the air, bringing Robbie’s attention back to both of the men, who were now looking at him. “But while you’re here with us, there’s no question in our mind as to where you belong, princesse.”

With them. In their bed. Robbie knew that was what Julien meant, and when Priest came around the island and offered his hand, he said, “What’ll it be, Robert?”

Robbie looked down at Priest’s hand and thought of how it had felt on him last night as he’d spanked his ass, and then later, when it had massaged and touched every part of him until he’d begged—the way Priest had soothingly ran it over Julien’s back, and now, as he held it out to him as an invitation to more. Robbie slipped his hand into it.

When Robbie hopped off the stool, Priest tugged him in close and kissed his lips, and when he whispered, “Everything…” Robbie blinked.

The message was clear: the invitation issued by these two wasn’t for more. It was for everything, just as they’d said that night back at JULIEN, and tonight Robbie was starting to understand better what everything with these two might encompass.

Their lives.

Their beds.

Their love…?

And suddenly, the prospect of everything didn’t seem crazy. It actually seemed like the best possible outcome of this journey.

Chapter Twenty-Three


I’ve always been told two is better than one.

I’m starting to believe that is the case.

ROBBIE RIFLED THROUGH his overnight bag—which had since turned into a couple of overnights bag—and pulled out the little linen shorts and top he’d brought over with him to sit around in, just in case. They were cute and comfortable to sleep in, and when Priest and Julien emerged from the bathroom, they weren’t dressed in much more. Julien had on a comfy-looking pair of sweats that rode low on his hips, and Priest was back in those black lounge pants.

“It’s all yours, princesse,” Julien said, then walked by Robbie and kissed him on the cheek. “There’s a fresh towel on the sink, and let us know if you need anything else.”

Robbie gave them a shy little smile as Priest leaned down to pull the covers back. “I won’t be long,” he said, and hurried off into the bathroom.

In record time, Robbie had showered, brushed his teeth, and changed, and when he re-entered the bedroom, he found Priest sitting with his back against the headboard and his laptop open, and Julien on his side talking to him. They stopped when they heard him in the doorway, and when Priest looked up and his eyes latched on to Robbie, the obvious attraction there had Robbie’s breath catching in his throat.