Wow, he thought as he basked in the admiration he saw on Priest’s face. That stamp of approval from him made Robbie want to preen like a peacock, and where that once would’ve annoyed him, or freaked him out, it now made his heart thud uncontrollably.
Julien rolled to his back and looked up at him, and Robbie shifted his eyes to the sexy Frenchman, who then extended his arm across the top of the covers and crooked a finger. “Join us,” he said, his eyes roving over Robbie’s open pajama top and checkered shorts.
Robbie walked to the edge of the bed, but before he got beneath those covers and discovered whether Julien was as naked as he had been the last two times they’d all been in that bed together, he put a knee on the mattress and crawled on the top of it. He wanted to talk to these two. Wanted to finally ask them some of the questions he always got sidetracked from asking, and before he got in any deeper with them, he needed to have this conversation.
I just need to be brave enough to start it.
When Julien realized Robbie planned to stay above the covers, he moved to sit up beside Priest, and with the sheets now resting comfortably across their laps, Julien patted the space between them. Robbie moved into the middle of their outstretched legs and lay down on his stomach.
Priest’s lips twisted as he closed his laptop and put it aside, clearly sensing that Robbie wanted to talk. But Robbie found his determination and resolve to have this conversation start to leave him.
Shit, how do I even bring this up?
“I like these,” Julien said, and reached out to finger the collar of Robbie’s open shirt.
Robbie looked down at his bare chest and then back to Julien and winked. “Good. I brought it over to wear just for you.”
“Just for him, huh?” Priest said, and Robbie let his eyes travel up to Priest’s tight-lipped mouth. Something mischievous sparked to life inside of him.
“I brought the shorts to wear for you.”
Priest’s eyes drifted past Robbie’s shoulders to look at the shorts under discussion, and when he licked his lower lip, Robbie squirmed on the bed, his cock reacting to the lust darkening Priest’s eyes.
“They are very short shorts,” Priest said. “I like them. They show off your long legs.”
Julien shifted, and when Robbie looked over, he saw the covers now tented over Julien’s lap. It was obvious that Julien liked the short shorts too.
“You are quite irresistible,” Julien said, and trailed his fingers down Robbie’s cheek to under his chin. “But something’s on your mind.”
Robbie stared up into Julien’s mesmerizing eyes and nodded. Julien had this innate ability to be able to hone in on his emotions and draw them out of Robbie before he could even put them into words.
“Talk to us,” Julien said. “One thing that must be clear between us, if we’re going to do this—we have to trust one another to be honest with our emotions. We need you to feel as though you can come to us with anything, talk to us about any concerns you have, and vice versa.”
“Julien’s right,” Priest said, and clasped his hands on top of the covers. “A relationship like this is only going to work if there is total transparency. You need to feel you are able to ask either of us anything, and if you don’t feel that way, we need to work on that, and make it so you do.”
Robbie blinked a couple of times, their words sinking in, and then started to play with the covers. “Okay, then. Something has been on my mind, I guess.”
“Then let’s talk about it,” Priest said.
“So, umm…have you two…” Robbie paused and looked to Julien. Jesus, just ask them. “Have you done this a lot?”
“BE MORE SPECIFIC,” Priest said, and Robbie seemed to brace himself, his shoulders tensing slightly before he spoke.
“Do you bring a third to your marriage bed a lot?”
“Yes,” Priest said, and he made sure not to add anything else so there was no mistake. Robbie looked from him to Julien, and the room became so quiet that you could’ve heard a pin drop. Priest could see the wheels turning behind Robbie’s eyes.
“Doesn’t that… I mean, isn’t that complicated?”
“It never has been in the past,” Julien said, and reached out to place a hand over Robbie’s. “In the past, it was just physical.”
“And now?” Robbie asked.
“And now, it’s a little more complicated,” Julien said, and Robbie looked away. “We would like this to be much more than physical. We want a real connection, a relationship as deep as ours is. We have for some time now, but we’d never found someone we were both interested in in that way—until now.”
Robbie nervously licked his lips. “I guess I’m just trying to understand this all a bit better. It’s obvious you both love each other—why would you want to mess that up?”