“Careful, princesse,” Julien said, and his voice—oh, that silky-smooth voice—had Robbie arching up off the mattress, desperate for someone to touch him. “Don’t want to come just yet. There’s still so much we want to do to you. You want that, don’t you?”

“Yes,” Robbie said, and barely recognized his own voice. “Yes, I want that.” His eyes didn’t know where to look as Julien and Priest got closer, but when Julien moved up by Robbie’s hip and Priest stayed down in front of his spread legs, Robbie let his eyes zoom in on the one who was closer—Julien.

“Good,” Julien said, and then looked down at the hand Robbie was frantically moving up and down. “Now spread your legs for us.”

Robbie let his legs fall wide, and as Priest moved up in between them, he caught Robbie’s eye and then lowered his head and sucked one of Robbie’s balls into his mouth.

“Ahh…shit,” Robbie said, and shoved his hips off the bed as Julien whispered, “Move your hands. Let me.”

Robbie let go of himself, and not a second later, Julien’s hand was there and he was bending over to swallow Robbie to the back of his throat.

Robbie squeezed his eyes shut at the sensations coursing through his body, until he realized what he was missing out on seeing and opened them back up. Just in time, too, because both men raised their heads and kissed, right there between Robbie’s legs, their tongues flicking over the head of his dick to do it.

A groan left one of them, Robbie couldn’t have said which, and then they each went back to what they’d been doing: Julien swallowing Robbie like he’d been made to, and Priest sucking at his balls. It wasn’t until a finger entered the mix and, well, him, that Robbie cried out, grabbed hold of Julien’s head, and started to move, his hips pumping up into the mouth surrounding it while Priest stretched him with one, two, three, then—


Robbie slammed his eyes shut and curled his toes, wondering if it was possible to die from being overstimulated until finally he heard himself shouting, “Stop. Fuck. Stop. I need…I need something in me.”

Julien was the first to stop. He raised his head and then came up to lie beside Robbie. “Stop?” he asked, and Robbie swore fire had replaced the blood in his veins, because he was seriously overheating.

“No, I…it’s just I was about to come. But I—” And just as Robbie was about to say more, Priest shifted between his legs and took up Julien’s previous position, sucking Robbie’s cock to the back of his throat as he thrust his fingers in deep.

Robbie shouted as his eyes flew down to the flame of hair nestled between his thighs, and he grabbed it, still not quite believing what he was seeing. Fucking hell, that was Priest down there and damn, he was fucking talented. “Jesus…”

Julien took Robbie’s chin between his fingers, and as they looked at each other, he leaned in and said against Robbie’s lips, “He’s about to fuck you real good, princesse. Hold on.”

Hold on? Robbie didn’t know if he could anymore. But one thing he did know was that his brain was shutting down. He was done using it. All he wanted was to let go and feel. So with his hands in Priest’s hair and his hips writhing around on the bed, Robbie attacked Julien’s mouth as he fucked into Priest’s.

As the orgasm built, it raced down his spine to his balls. Robbie squeezed his eyes shut, and just as he was about to explode on Priest’s tongue, the mouth surrounding him vanished and was replaced by a viselike grip at the root of his shaft, denying him—keeping that orgasm at bay.

Julien tore his mouth free and rolled to his back, and Robbie wanted to scream, No! No, no, no! He wanted to pull his hair out at the revolt in his body. The sexual frustration that flooded him had him glaring up at Priest, who was now kneeling, and before he thought better of it, Robbie said, “You asshole. Let me come.”

The curl that morphed Priest’s red, swollen mouth was as sensual as it was sinister, and it sent a jolt of lust mixed with anger to Robbie’s aching balls.

“Get on your hands and knees.” Priest’s order was arrogant, and his voice should’ve been a warning to fucking run, but there was no way Robbie was going anywhere but to his hands and goddamn knees. He needed to come or he was positive he might die.

He rolled over, and when he saw Julien sitting with his back against the headboard and his legs spread, working himself over, Robbie knew exactly where he wanted to go. He crawled between Julien’s thighs, and when his face was level with Julien’s cock, Robbie didn’t stop and ask—he licked a path right up it.