“Dieu,” Julien muttered, and Robbie looked up to see Julien’s eyes focused on him. “Come up here. Give me your mouth.”
Robbie moved so his hands were on either side of Julien’s hips, and then tilted his head up and kissed him. It was sweet, chaste, and, considering what was about to happen, a bit of a mind fuck, as two large hands landed on Robbie’s hips, making him moan. “Please…”
Julien chuckled. “So polite, princesse.” He then looked over Robbie’s shoulder to where Priest was now in position and said, “Give it to him, Joel. He’s begging for it.”
Robbie felt the wide head of Priest’s covered cock nudge against his entrance, and clutched at the sheets on either side of Julien’s hips as the delicious burn of Priest’s intrusion rushed over him. The sting of it made his eyes water, and at the exact moment Julien took Robbie’s mouth in another blistering kiss, Priest tunneled all the way inside.
“Fuck,” Robbie cried out against Julien’s lips. “Oh fuck, you’re big,” he said, as he buried his face against Julien’s chest.
Julien’s hand in Robbie’s hair began to massage him down to his neck, then along his spine to his ass, where Priest was lodged, and as the penetration became familiar, as it became a welcome kind of pain, Robbie began to move.
He raised his head and nuzzled at Julien’s nipple, licking and biting as Priest’s fingers dug into him and his cock dragged free before plowing back inside of him. Robbie stumbled slightly and ended up with his cheek smashed to Julien’s chest, but then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Priest lean over the top of him and start to kiss Julien—and fucking hell, that was hot.
They were all so close, all so connected, and as the two of them really started to go at each other over the top of him, Priest’s hips began to thrust harder and faster inside Robbie—and fuck, he was thick.
Robbie dropped his head, squeezing his eyes shut as the monster in his ass drilled him over and over, seemingly imprinting itself there, and he couldn’t get enough. He felt insatiable. He wanted every inch of skin he could get from these two, and when Robbie realized his lips were right by the head of Julien’s cock, he couldn’t stop himself from sucking on him, and the erotic sound that he pulled from Julien was unreal. Half groan, half shout, but all pleasure.
Julien’s hands tightened in Robbie’s hair, and as he yanked Robbie up and took his mouth in a kiss, Priest made a savage sound behind them and finally unleashed all of that well-coiled control he’d been keeping in check.
The hands on Robbie’s hips were full of strength and control as Priest held him exactly where he wanted him and began to take Robbie in a way he’d never been taken before.
With what seemed like an endless amount of power and stamina, Priest rode him hard and fast, then slow and deep, until at one point he was so far inside Robbie that he couldn’t tell where Priest started and he ended. It was at that moment that Priest grabbed Robbie’s shoulder and hauled him back so he could kiss him, and growled against his mouth, “Your ass feels like fucking heaven. Worth every fucking argument, you were.”
When he let him go, Priest gave a hard thrust forward, pushing Robbie up against Julien, who took his lips in a hot kiss, and Priest began a steady grind.
Robbie cried out as Priest’s cock massaged over his prostate, and then said, “Please. God, Priest. I can’t…I can’t…not anymore.”
Robbie craned his head back, and Priest cupped him under the chin and said, “Begging, yes?”
Robbie nodded eagerly, not giving a fuck anymore. He was begging.
“Good. Then wrap your lips around Julien and a hand around your cock. I think it’s time we all came.”
Priest kissed him hard, and when he let him go, Robbie did as he was told and immediately took Julien between his lips and started to desperately milk his own cock. Then, over the groans and harsh breathing filling the room, Robbie heard, “Come, Julien.”
Julien’s body tensed at Priest’s words and his fingers tightened in Robbie’s hair, and then he exploded on Robbie’s tongue with a hoarse shout of pure ecstasy, filling Robbie’s mouth with his pent-up lust.
Robbie’s ass was burning, his cock was now painfully hard, and when Priest smoothed a hand up to his shoulder and hauled him upright, Julien got to his knees, took hold of Robbie’s cock, and then kissed him.
The feeling of being one hundred percent surrounded was sublime, and Robbie let the euphoria of it take him over as he held on to Julien’s arms, then Priest said against his ear, “Come for us, Robert,” and just like that, as though Robbie’s body understood it was no longer his own, the orgasm he’d somehow kept a hold of finally detonated.