Fuck, fuck, fuck, that’s so hot. And Julien must’ve agreed, because a groan of pleasure left him as Priest began to devour his husband’s mouth, and Julien started to fuck into Robbie’s faster.
Robbie braced a hand on Julien’s thigh, digging his fingers into the taut muscle there, and heard a curse above him. He didn’t see who it came from because his eyes were now closed, as he let his body relax and enjoy what was happening to it. It wasn’t until a hand returned to his hair and massaged his scalp that Robbie’s eyes popped open to see Julien’s focus back on him and his teeth digging into his full bottom lip.
“Tu es délicieux,” Julien said in a way that Robbie knew it had to be a compliment, and then a thumb stroked down his cheek.
Robbie took him eagerly, time and time again, and when Julien’s fingers slid back into his hair, Robbie saw him look across to Priest, who said, “Come, Julien, let him taste you.”
Julien’s entire body tensed and then vibrated, and not a second later, he cursed and came inside Robbie’s mouth. Robbie moaned and eagerly swallowed, loving the taste, smell, and feel of it all, and as Julien slowly withdrew, Robbie dragged his lips along him, savoring the salty essence until he slipped free.
“Mmm,” Julien said, and used his thumb to wipe Robbie’s lips clean before bending down to kiss them. “Merci beaucoup.”
A bolt of desire shot straight down to Robbie’s balls, and he clamped a fist around his dick and whimpered. Julien was hot as fuck.
“I like how I taste on your lips,” Julien said.
Robbie nodded. “So do I.”
“Good. Because I’m already thinking about next time.” Julien tapped Robbie’s chin. “But now, I believe it’s your turn.”
When Julien raised his head, Robbie turned to look back at Priest, who was watching him with hooded eyes. He had no idea what was about to happen next, but nothing short of the place catching on fire was going to stop him from finding out.
“ON YOUR FEET, Robert.” Priest issued the order with a clenched jaw and a frustrated cock. He was so damn wired from what he’d just witnessed that he wasn’t sure how he was going to hold back from bending Robbie over the dinner table and fucking him into next week. But that wasn’t what tonight was about, and there would be plenty of time for that later.
Robbie got to his feet, and once he was standing, Priest said, “Turn around and face me.”
Robbie pivoted between the two of them, and Julien moved in behind him and planted his hands on his slim hips, holding him steady.
Priest touched his thumb to Robbie’s swollen lower lip. “You looked good down on your knees just now.” Robbie’s eyes narrowed a fraction, and Priest smirked. “You disagree?”
“Yes,” Robbie said. “I look good everyfuckingwhere.”
Priest chuckled and took a step forward, then wrapped his hand firmly around Robbie’s cock, making him suck in a breath and reach out to grip Priest’s arms.
“Fuck,” Robbie said, and shut his eyes tight.
“No. We’re not doing that tonight.” Priest found Julien’s eyes over Robbie’s shoulder, and Julien slid a hand around to join the tight fist Priest was now using on Robbie’s erection.
“Ahh shit…” Robbie said, and moved up to his toes. As Priest and Julien both leaned in and brushed their lips along Robbie’s cheekbones, a delicious moan escaped Robbie as he dug his nails through Priest’s shirt and into his skin.
“Tonight, you’re going to come,” Priest said by his ear. “Right here between us.”
A ragged sound of need escaped Robbie’s lips, as Julien began to kiss his way down his neck and Priest teased his earlobe, while their hands moved in beautiful tandem along the cock Robbie was now thrusting through their fists.
“God. Fuck. I can’t… You’ve got to let me…” Robbie said, and Priest scraped his teeth along his jaw.
“I don’t have to let you do anything. Behave yourself for a change and you’ll be rewarded.”
“Fuck you,” Robbie said on a trembling breath, and Priest twisted his hand, causing a loud groan to leave the mouthy little minx.
“I knew you were going to be like this. I told Julien: he’s going to be a handful with attitude to spare, but so fucking beautiful when he submits.”
Robbie’s eyes blazed as he struggled against the need to come.
“Stop fighting me. Stop fighting me and listen to your body, Robert,” Priest said, as he and Julien continued to stroke. “It wants this. It wants us. Now come.”
Robbie’s eyes slammed shut at the order and his hips bucked forward, and then, without another word, he cried out and came all over the hands holding him.
Priest searched out Julien’s lustful stare as Robbie floated down from his orgasmic high, and when their eyes locked, Priest knew that this was it. They’d finally found the one to balance them out. The one they’d been searching for. Now it was just a question of how to convince Robert Bianchi that he wanted to be theirs.