AS THE FRANTIC pace of Robbie’s heart returned to baseline, Julien stroked his sticky fingers over the skin of his lower abdomen. Priest’s eyes pinned him in place as he brought his thumb to his mouth and sucked it clean, and then he shifted toward the table to pick up one of the linen napkins.
When he straightened and wiped his hands, Priest cleaned Robbie off and held the napkin out to Julien, who placed a kiss on Robbie’s neck and let him go. That was when Robbie’s eyes strayed downward to the fully erect cock Priest was zipping back inside his pants.
Shit. Did he not enjoy what just happened? Is he regretting it? No way. Robbie knew whether someone was into him, and despite how fucking strange Priest was, the man was definitely into what had just gone down in this room—namely, me.
Robbie swallowed, trying to find his words, but after what they’d just done, he was pretty sure it would take a minute—or maybe ten—because holy fuck. He still couldn’t believe he’d let Priest order him about, and Robbie had just shut his mouth like a good little boy and done what he’d been told.
Okay, so maybe he hadn’t exactly shut his mouth. Ugh, what had he been thinking? Giving Priest an edge like that was just stupid. But the truth was that he hadn’t been thinking—not with his brain, anyway. And with Priest’s smug face only inches from his own, Robbie couldn’t deny that he’d totally gotten off on it all.
Priest reached out and took Robbie’s chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Let me guess. You’re trying to think of a reason to yell at me.”
Robbie was about to say no, but then remembered Priest’s lecture on lying and decided to change the subject instead. “Why didn’t you come?”
Priest grinned, a subtle curve to his pink lips, but instead of it softening his features, it made him look wicked hot, and Robbie realized he was disappointed he hadn’t gotten to taste them or feel them against his own.
How is that even possible? This is Priest, for God’s sake.
“Because I want to wait,” Priest said.
Priest leaned in a fraction, and Robbie caught his breath. “What do you think?”
Oh, just say it, Robbie told himself as he licked his suddenly dry lips, and when the tip of his tongue appeared, Priest growled. “You want to wait until you’re inside me.”
Priest’s eyes flared, and Robbie reached out and grabbed the back of the low chair for support.
“Correct.” Priest straightened and looked down to Robbie’s newly interested cock. “And unless you want that to happen right here, over that table, you’re going to want to put your pants back on.”
Robbie hesitated just long enough for Priest to raise one of his copper-colored eyebrows, and then Julien came up beside him with his clothes.
“Put your pants on, princesse. You’re going to want something softer than a table under you the first time he takes you.”
“Want to run away now?” Priest asked.
“Why would I do that? I already knew you were a giant dick when I agreed to dinner. Your cock doesn’t scare me.”
Priest’s eyes narrowed. “Put your pants on, Robert.”
Robbie rolled his eyes, but since he felt stupid standing there with his pants in his hand, he did as he was told—again.
“I’m going to go and box up dinner. Then we can head out,” Julien said as he walked by Priest and kissed him on the cheek. “Try not to kill each other while I’m gone. I rather enjoyed this.”
As Julien disappeared inside the elevator, Robbie shook his head. “I don’t know how someone like you ended up with someone as amazing as him. I’m starting to think he didn’t speak English when you met.”
Priest turned to the table and picked up his laptop. “It’s a long story, but if you’re really interested, then you should come home with us and we’ll tell you all about it.”
As Priest walked over to the elevator and hit the button, Robbie followed. Then he asked the one thing that had been on his mind since the night of the Christmas party: “I don’t get all of this. What do you two want from me? Is it just about—”
“Sex? No,” Priest said, as the door slid open and he gestured inside.
Annoyed at being cut off, Robbie walked in ahead of him while Priest hit the button for the first floor, and as the doors slid shut, enclosing them in the small space, Priest said, “We want everything.”
PRIEST FIGURED IT wouldn’t take longer than three, two, one—
“What do you mean you want everything?” Robbie’s hand on his arm had Priest looking over his shoulder at the baffled expression etched into Robbie’s beautiful face—and yes, Robbie had an exquisitely beautiful face. With his fine features, Robbie was stunning to look at. His hair was thick, with honeyed highlights that caught the light every now and then, and right now it was a little messy from Priest and Julien’s hands.