Robbie was either going to tell them to fuck off and leave, or he was going to undo that cream button at the waist of his pants and show them what they wanted to see.

Robbie spread his legs and ever so slowly touched a finger to the button. “If I agree…” He looked at them both, his breathing more rapid, his neck flushed, and his hand back to massaging his dick. “Then what?”

“Then I’ll finally let you put something French in your mouth.” Just as Priest suspected, Robbie’s eyes flew to Julien, not the untouched meal on the table.

“Yes,” Priest said, and pumped his hips up, unable to stop the visual now in his head. “You’ll never taste anything better.”

“Not true, mon amour,” Julien said, and then lifted the hand he’d been using on Priest and dragged a sticky finger over his tongue. “You taste délicieusement bon.”

“Okay, fuck it. Yes,” Robbie said, and got to his feet. “I agree. But I have one condition.”

Priest arched an eyebrow, dying to know what that would be as Robbie popped the button open on his pants.

“I get to come tonight. I don’t care who does it and I don’t care how. But you better make me come after all this, or I won’t put out next time.”

Chapter Ten


Uhh, you know that saying?

Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?

I’m about to take that to a whole new level.

“DEAL,” PRIEST SAID, and Julien’s cock punched against the linen of his pants at the promise his husband had just made. “But you don’t come until I say so.”

As Robbie nodded his agreement, Julien reached down and adjusted his erection. Putain, this was really about to happen.

“Good,” Priest said. “Now undo your pants.”

Without hesitation, Robbie unzipped, and Julien’s breath caught in anticipation at what would be revealed as those pants were shoved off his hips.

“Mon Dieu,” Julien said when he took in the skimpy hipster briefs that were the same bright color as Robbie’s coat. “I had hoped for pink.”

Julien got to his feet, and as he came around the table, Robbie kicked out of his shoes and pants and watched his approach.

“Pink and sweet,” Julien said. “Good enough to eat.”

Robbie’s chest rose and fell under that cream turtleneck of his, as he reached down to stroke the erection his tiny briefs barely concealed. Julien let his eyes take in the delectable picture before him, and then he reached for Robbie’s waist and pulled him flush against his body.

“Let us see if I am right, oui?” Julien then took Robbie’s lips with his own, and the sound that escaped Robbie was one of blissful ecstasy, as he grasped Julien’s biceps and opened for him. Julien rubbed his tongue against the eager one he found inside, and as he teased and tormented, his hands slid around to the tight ass he wanted to hold.

He hauled Robbie closer so he could grind himself against the long cock that was trapped in that minuscule pair of briefs, and Robbie moaned and wrapped a leg up around Julien’s thigh as he rolled his hips forward, letting Julien know how turned on he was. But when Julien’s fingers moved to the elastic of Robbie’s briefs, Robbie put his hands to Julien’s chest and halted him.

Julien stopped, raised his head, and looked into the glazed eyes staring back at him. Robbie was right there on the brink and trying his hardest to rein it in, to act…properly, and when he looked over to Priest, Julien groaned in pure delight.

Oh, you are going to work out beautifully, princesse. You already know the rules.

Julien’s eyes found his husband’s, and he wasn’t at all surprised to see that Priest had a hand wrapped around his engorged length and was stroking it as he watched the two of them with keen eyes.

Julien’s cock throbbed under Priest’s intense stare, and he knew the ache he felt there matched what was going on with the other two men in the room as all three of them faced off, waiting for the next move.

It came, as expected, from Priest.

“Get on your knees, Robert.”

For a second, Julien thought Robbie might tell Priest to go fuck himself. But then he looked to Julien, smiled like a rascal, and dropped to his knees.

ROBBIE SHUT HIS eyes for a second and told his dick to behave itself. Think about something other than the fact that you’re kneeling at Julien Thornton’s feet. Anything but that will do. But that was impossible when his eyes were on level with Julien’s loose pants and he could see the outline of his erection in explicit detail.

Robbie licked his lips, knowing that was soon going to be between them, and then reached down to stroke himself. He tipped his head back, enjoying the rush he got from his own touch, and then Priest’s commanding voice filled the empty silence and made gooseflesh break out all over Robbie’s body.