Robbie felt his cheeks flame, but he refused to feel ashamed of his past. It wasn’t like these two held the prize for ethics and fucking morals.

“It’s not that,” he said, and then looked over at Julien. “But I’ve never been with two who were married.”

“Was that on purpose or just the way it worked out?” Priest asked, and Robbie glared at him.

“I don’t know.”

“Yes, you do.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re annoying as hell?”

“Yes, many times,” Priest said, and then his eyes squeezed shut and let out a hiss of air. “Julien,” he growled out.

“Mon amour…” Julien purred by Priest’s ear. “Ease up on the questions, non?”

Robbie’s eyes dropped to where Julien’s hand was under the table. He had an idea of what was going on down there, but instead of the pleasure he expected Priest to be getting, it seemed as though Julien was somehow reining the jackass in, and that was totally hot.

“Let go, Julien. Or start moving your fucking hand,” Priest said in a tone that sounded like a whip cracking, but Julien just chuckled.

Priest’s nostrils flared as he took in what appeared to be a calming breath, and then he reopened his eyes and focused on Robbie, who noticed they were now that melted steel color.

Priest was highly aroused, and suddenly Robbie didn’t care that Priest could see too much and wanted to boss his ass around in the bedroom. No, Robbie just wanted to watch whatever was going to happen next.

“Excuse his manners, princesse. But put the poor man out of his misery.” Julien grinned at Robbie, a teasing smile on his full lips, which lessened the harshness of the order he’d just given. But there was no mistake. It was an order. “Are you interested? Or are we just wasting our time here?”

Robbie swallowed, his dick hard and his heart pounding as he shook his head. “No.”

“No, we’re not wasting our time? Or no, you’re not interested?” Julien asked, and his arm began moving up and down in the age-old rhythm of giving a really solid hand job.

Robbie didn’t know where to look. Julien’s eyes were calling to him, but so was what his hand was doing, and then there was Priest, who was leaning back against the seat and had one hand gripping the table.

God, Robbie wanted to touch himself so badly. “I haven’t left yet, have I?”

Priest’s lips curved. “No. But maybe that’s because you’re afraid to stand.”

“And why would I be afraid of that?”

“Because then you wouldn’t be able to hide how fucking hot you are over the fact that Julien is getting me off right now.”

On reflex, Robbie stuck his tongue out at Priest, and those grey eyes dropped to his mouth.

“Come over here and do that,” Priest said, and when Robbie settled back in his chair and shook his head, he heard Julien laugh.

“Scared?” Priest asked.

“Smart,” Robbie replied. “You haven’t told me nearly enough for me to let you near my tongue.”

“Oh…” Julien said, and flicked his tongue over Priest’s earlobe. “Someone’s playing hard to get. I like that.”

Priest groaned and then shifted on his seat, and Robbie finally saw that Julien had undone Priest’s black pants and had his hand deep down inside them.

You hold the power, Robbie reminded himself, and right now, Julien Thornton and Joel Priestley were eyeing him like two hungry tigers.

“You want that, don’t you? My tongue in your mouth?” Robbie said. “In Julien’s.”

“I also want our cocks in yours,” Priest said. “So what more do you want to know here, Robert? My patience is wearing thin.”

“Well, for starters,” Robbie said, and shoved his chair back from the table, “what happens when your patience runs out? Are you going to come all over Julien’s hand? Or wouldn’t that be”—Robbie paused and pursed his lips as though thinking it over—“proper?”

PRIEST’S FINGERS TIGHTENED on the table in an effort not to haul himself up, march around it, and pull Robbie to his feet so he could take that sassy mouth with his own.

Fuck, he was perfect for them. The perfect blend of sass and sex, and when his temper got the better of him, Robbie didn’t have one damn problem standing up to either of them.

The only question that remained was: would he lie down for them? Kneel for them?

Priest took his hand off the table and placed it over the top of Julien’s to increase the pressure and pace, and didn’t miss the way Robbie’s eyes followed the move.

“Quite the opposite, actually,” Priest said. “Coming on Julien is my right, just as it’s his with me. So it’s always proper. Always appropriate. We’d like that right with you.”

“Fuck,” Robbie said, and finally reached down to rub at the erection Priest could see outlined in his pants.

Julien hummed his enjoyment at what Robbie was doing, and Priest knew it was now or never to take this to the next step. “Unbutton your pants, Robert.”