Robbie’s feet faltered at the question, and Priest took hold of his arm to steady him.

“Is this too much, would you say?”

As Robbie looked down to where Priest’s hand lay on his arm and bit on his lip—something he did when he was nervous—the sight of his teeth pressing into that soft flesh made Priest want to be the one biting him. Instead, he waited, sensing that as brave as Robbie was trying to be, there was a skittish air to him tonight. Which told Priest that if they moved too fast, Robbie would bolt, and that would be the end of that.

“No,” Robbie said. “I just meant keep it above the waist.”

Priest lowered his eyes to the lone cream button at the waistband of Robbie’s pants. “I can do that.”

Robbie let out a breathless little laugh. “You’re trying to throw me off my game, right?”

“Why would you think that?”

“Because you’re being nice, and polite, and for you, that seems like a game.”

Priest regarded Robbie closely and then began to walk again, and Robbie did the same.

“I don’t play games. In fact, neither of us do,” Priest said, as they rounded the dividing wall and stepped into the Lounge, an intimate space with wood-paneled walls, comfortable sofas, low chairs, and a more muted glow that offered a relaxed ambiance for lovers and secret rendezvous. “Julien and I are one hundred percent transparent with anyone we plan to take to our bed.”

Robbie raised his chin, in that telltale sign of courage, and said, “And is that where you plan to take me?”

Priest brought his hand around from his back and tapped that pointy chin. “Some of the times.”

“Some of the—? There’ll be more than one time?”

“We hope so.”

Robbie sucked in a breath and swallowed. “And what about the other times?”

Priest smiled. “I’d hoped you would be like this. Julien said that you were.”

“Like what?”

“Curious. You’re very curious, and I like that. But,” Priest said, and glanced over Robbie’s shoulder, “we’ll talk more about that in a minute. I believe our chef for the evening would like your attention.”

At the mention of Julien, Robbie turned around, and when both of them faced the owner of the building they were standing in, Priest leaned down and whispered in Robbie’s ear, “That expression on his face means that he wants you to come.”

Robbie’s head whipped to the left to face Priest, and it wasn’t lost on Priest that their lips were the closest they’d ever been. It wasn’t lost on Robbie either, judging by the pink shade now flushing his cheeks.

“You better move. Julien’s somewhat temperamental about who comes in his restaurant and when. Don’t want to let this opportunity pass you by.”

MON DIEU… ROBBIE looked good enough to eat as he stood in front of Priest in an outfit that made Julien think of the sweet cotton candy he used to get at the local fair.

With his hair sweeping off to the side, and his face devoid of all makeup but the natural blush staining his cheeks from whatever Priest had just said, Robbie looked young, fresh, and so fucking sweet that Julien’s teeth ached almost as much as his stiffening dick.

As Robbie and Priest made their way toward him, Julien couldn’t help but note the way his husband was checking out the man between the two of them. Priest’s eyes were on Robbie’s ass, and Julien could only imagine what was going through Priest’s head.

“Bonsoir. You look gorgeous tonight. I see you found my new slice of paradise,” Julien said as he stepped forward to greet Robbie with a kiss to both cheeks. “I hope Priest behaved himself just now.”

When Julien took a step back, Robbie glanced at the silent man beside him. “Surprisingly, he did.”

“Good. Otherwise I’d have to punish him, and it’s much more fun when Priest’s the one doing that.” When Robbie’s eyes widened a fraction, Julien laughed. “Don’t look so worried—he’s really very sweet, deep down inside. The fun part is getting in there and finding it.”

“Thank you, Julien. For such high praise,” Priest said, and the slight tilt to his lips had Julien grinning.

“You’re welcome. I haven’t even started listing your most favorable qualities, mon amour.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Priest said in a tone that suggested otherwise, making Robbie grin.

“Can I take your coat for you?” Julien asked, gesturing to the bright garment around Robbie’s shoulders.

“Oh, yeah,” Robbie said, and took it off. “This place is like something out of a movie. It’s so fancy.”

Julien draped the soft fabric over his arm and nodded as he looked around the restaurant. “Thank you. It’s almost ready for opening.”

“When’s that?” Robbie asked.

“Valentine’s Day. So the middle of next month,” Priest answered.

Robbie looked around again and laughed softly as he shook his head. “I’m sorry. I just can’t believe I’m standing in one of your restaurants. Julien Thornton’s restaurant. That’s, like, wow—not gonna lie.”