Julien chuckled. “Well, I’m hoping you’ll do more than just stand in it, princesse.” Robbie’s cheeks turned crimson, and Julien really started to laugh then. “Wherever did your mind just go?”
“Nowhere,” Robbie said, and then looked over at Priest, who was watching the exchange with guarded eyes.
“I told you,” Priest said to Julien. “That’s something we’ll have to work on.”
Robbie screwed his nose up. “What is?”
“Your habit of lying.”
“I don’t lie.”
“No?” Priest said.
“Then what were you just thinking that made your face turn the same shade as your coat?”
Robbie’s mouth opened and shut several times, until Julien decided to step in and save the poor man. “Joel, why don’t you go to our table, and Robbie and I will join you shortly.”
“Are you trying to get rid of me?” Priest asked.
“Oui, I am.” Julien then kissed Priest on the cheek to soften the blow.
“Fair enough. I’ll see you both soon.”
Julien inclined his head, and as Priest disappeared around the corner and out of sight, Robbie let out a breath.
“Are you all right?” Julien asked.
“Yeah, he’s just…” Robbie tugged at the neck of his sweater. “Is he always like that?”
“Yes. He is.” Julien regarded Robbie closely. “Would you like a drink?”
“God yes.”
“Okay, then. Let’s go and get you a drink, and we’ll talk.”
ROBBIE COULDN’T STOP his eyes from hungrily roving over Julien as he weaved them through the tables of the main dining area. He was wearing a pair of white linen pants that sat low on his hips, and a V-neck tee that was tight, black, and outlined every muscle to perfection.
Robbie watched the shift of his shoulder blades as he walked, the trim waist, his spectacular ass, and just…wow. Julien should’ve looked out of place dressed as he was in the opulent setting. But he didn’t. He looked comfortable, at home, and so fucking sexy that Robbie was having a difficult time walking.
As they made their way over to the bar area, Robbie felt as though he’d stepped back in time. This space of the restaurant had an old European charm about it. It was understated and classic, and brought to mind jazz and cultured people sitting about sipping their cocktails. Actually, when he thought about it, it was the perfect blend of the two men he was eating dinner with tonight.
Julien, the sexy, smooth European-American whose smile and charm made Robbie want to do whatever he asked. And Priest, the classic/cultured suit whose serious vibe was starting to turn Robbie on as opposed to irritate the shit out of him.
The two together made Robbie’s entire body feel as though it were connected to an electrical socket, and he was close to positive he’d sell his soul to experience the shock of it, even though he was aware he was playing with something incredibly dangerous. Something he knew he shouldn’t touch.
Julien stepped around the bar and indicated that Robbie should take a seat. So he moved one of the barstools, sat down, and then looked across the counter to the three brightly lit archways where shelves of alcohol were fully stocked and ready to serve.
“And what would you like to drink tonight?” Julien said, his eyes twinkling as he added, “A French Whore, perhaps?”
As Robbie’s words from last night floated in the air between them, he decided it was time to relax. Priest had definitely rattled him a little at first, but it was time to loosen up and be himself—and holding back was so not his style.
Hooking his feet on the rung of the stool, Robbie leaned over the counter and aimed his eyes at Julien’s mouth. “I’d definitely like to taste something French.”
Julien chuckled, and the sound was low and provocative as it wrapped itself around Robbie and went straight to his cock. Then Julien put his hands on the counter and leaned in until his lips were only inches from Robbie’s. “You’re a naughty boy, aren’t you, Mr. Bianchi.”
Breathe, Robbie thought, and willed himself not to hyperventilate. But that wasn’t so easy when he was this close to Julien’s mouth. “You asked me what I wanted.”
“And you want something…French in your mouth?”
“Yes, please,” Robbie answered eagerly, and Julien laughed, a wicked, sexy sound that made Robbie squirm on his seat.
“Have you ever had anything French before?”
“A kiss. Want to give me another?” Robbie said, batting his lashes.
“Oh, I want to kiss you, princesse. And if you’re a good boy, I just might.”
“I can be good. God,” Robbie said before he could stop himself. “You’re so fucking hot.”
The smile that curved Julien’s full lips was sex, but on, like, steroids.
“And that? Fuck me.” Robbie lowered a hand down to press it against his erection. His breathing now more like panting. “That just makes you even hotter.”
Julien took hold of Robbie’s chin and said, “Good. I’ll be sure to speak French whenever I want your cock hard.”