“I don’t need you to teach me anything,” she informed him, her eyes narrowing on him. “And I won’t give you the chance to prove anything, new. So you’re wasting your breath and your time. Go find one of your bimbos, they might appreciate your efforts. I don’t.”

A dare. It was the one thing she obviously hadn’t learned while she worked with him. Never dare him. He was too close to her, too aware of the fact that if he gave her an inch then she had the inner strength to attempt to take a mile and more.

“Oh Tey, there’s so much I could teach you though,” he crooned, watching her face flush, those beautiful dark green eyes flickering with a surge of hunger at the sound of his voice.

Moving around the bar, he locked his gaze on hers as he neared her. He’d decided now was as good a time as any to show her exactly how wrong she was. Until this was over, illusion or not, she was his woman and she would be his lover. And by God, he’d dare anyone to try to take her from him

Tehya felt her heart racing, a weakness filling her womb as she backed up, edging into the corner of the L-shaped counter as Jordan stalked toward her.

He didn’t move quickly. Eyes narrowed, his muscular body tall and broad, tense and predatory, he focused on her with an expression tight with lust. He came up to her, trapping her against the counter, his hips pressing against hers, the hardened length of his cock shockingly thick and hard beneath the denim he wore.

“What do you think this is going to prove?” She heard the weakness in her voice, the catch of breath, the hunger, and she hated it.

All he had to do was touch her. She was such a glutton for punishment that it didn’t even matter that she knew he would never stick around, that she knew he thought she wasn’t good enough for a relationship or to love. When he touched her, it didn’t matter that the only reason he was back was because of responsibility and duty. All that mattered was that he was touching her. That he was there, that she would have one more moment of pleasure at his hands.

“I think it’s going to prove that we both know we can’t fight it as long as we’re involved in this together,” he whispered as his head lowered, his lips feathering along her ear. “Fighting it was easier when we had a mountain to hide in, wasn’t it, darlin’?”

She drew in a hard, ragged breath. “I wasn’t the one fighting it, though, was I, Jordan?”

She had longed for his touch, ached for it. For nine months she had dreamed of it.

“No, you weren’t.” His lips caressed her jaw, the rasp of the dark growth of beard sending shards of sensation racing through her nerve endings. “And now, I just fucking don’t have the strength to save us both.”

A gasp barely escaped as he jerked her to him, his lips suddenly covering hers, slanting over them and pulling her headlong into a maelstrom of wicked sensation and fiery hunger.

One hand cupped her neck, his callused fingers holding her in place as his lips stroked, rubbed against hers, parted them and allowed his tongue to lick against hers as though he wanted nothing more than to taste her.

A whimpering, desperate little moan vibrated in her throat as she buried her hands in his hair. Pleasure sliced through her senses, enfolding her in sensation as Jordan’s arm folded around her hips and he lifted her onto the counter. The position was wickedly carnal, and infused with dominant, possessive intent.

Hunger blazed through her as his hands lowered to drag her legs apart, situating himself between them. The hard ridge of his cock ground against her sex as her juices began to dampen the silk of her panties. Her clit swelled and ached, as her fingers plunged buried deeper into his hair to hold him to her. And she began to pray that he wouldn’t stop, that he wouldn’t pull away. That he would give her just one more memory to hold onto.

“Don’t stop.” Desperation filled her as he broke the kiss, his lips moving to her neck before spreading a line of kisses to her collarbone. Her head arched back, languid pleasure flooded her body with each touch.

“Not hardly,” he bit out, his hands tugging at the hem of her shirt, pulling it up until he bared the tight, aching curves of her breasts. His gaze fell to her nipples, the hunger blazing in his gaze as Tehya stared back at him.

“Jordan.” She jerked against him as his hands framed her breasts, fingertips rasping against the tender, hardened tips of her nipples while his head lowered to them.

“Jordan. God yes. Like that. Suck my nipple like that.” Neck arching, damp heat surrounding the sensitive peak, Tehya arched closer as the explicit words fell from her lips. Words that had his mouth tugging tighter on the tender tip, his tongue lashing harder.

She stared down at him, shocked and torn by the sensation

s that were stronger and more powerful than they had been the first time. There had been pleasure with him before, but he had been restrained, more in control of himself. A control he didn’t have now, and didn’t bother to try to regain.

Staring down at him now, his blue eyes dark, wicked, as he watched her, his cheeks hollowed and he sucked at her nipple with such hungry demand that Tehya felt the lash of each stroke of his tongue straight to her pussy. The muscles there clenched painfully, spasming with an aching, burning need to be filled. To be fucked.

His tongue rolled and rubbed against the tender tip as each sizzling stroke struck straight to her womb, drawing a ragged moan from her lips. She wrapped her legs around his thighs and arched her hips closer to him, the heavy length of his erection beneath his jeans pressing heatedly into the tender mound of her pussy.

“There, darlin’,” he said, his head lifting as he kissed his way to the other sensitive nipple.

Tehya watched as he licked it first, priming it to pleasure. His tongue tipped against the hardened flesh, prodded at it, then licked over it with erotic hunger. Her breath caught as waves of heat rushed through her system. A second later, the rake of his teeth over the tender tip had her crying out again. Her hips arched, grinding against the heavy weight of his cock as it pressed over her pussy.

His lips parted and he devoured the nipple. Sucking, licking, he drew on it ravenously as his face flushed with hunger. Tehya fought to breathe as she felt the harsh, unyielding throb of need centered in the depths of her pussy. She felt the sharp shards of sensation that tore from her nipple to her clit as he drew on it, nipped and licked it. He made a sensual meal of the tender tip as she cried out in pleasure.

It burned through her nerve endings, through her senses. Each draw of his mouth over her nipple sent wicked lashes of sensation to clench at her womb, tightening it with violent pleasure.

“Damn, I missed you, Tey,” he groaned as his lips slid from her breast, kissing the curve, his tongue tasting it as his fingers moved to the snap of her shorts and released it with confident, knowing fingers.

“I dreamed of fucking you.” Guttural, rough, his voice, his wicked words stroked her senses as the zipper of her shorts slid down. The feel of him removing the shorts left her shuddering in anticipation. She could feel adrenaline sensitizing her further, making her hotter.