In all the dreams she had had of him in the past nine months, it hadn’t come close to this. Even that one night couldn’t compare to this, to the heat and the pleasure surrounding her.

Her hands moved to his shoulders, her breathing rough, as she watched his lips traveling down her stomach, his hands parting her thighs and nearing the lacy band of the white thong she wore with the short denim shorts.

She had meant to tease him a little, she admitted to herself. She had meant to arouse him, but she hadn’t expected this. A hunger burning her alive.

His lashes lifted, and he stared up at her and slowly removed her panties to bare the flushed, slick curves of her sex.

“I’ve dreamed of eating your sweet pussy,” he said explicitly. “That little taste I had before wasn’t enough, Tey.”

Little taste? He’d driven her crazy as he fucked her with his tongue

Her fingers fisted in the material of his shirt a second before he reached up and removed them. The T-shirt was pulled over his head, revealing his broad chest, the light furring of black curls over bronzed flesh. The sexy, soft mat of hair arrowed down his hard abdomen to disappear beneath of his jeans.

She swallowed tightly. “Don’t regret it later,” she whispered.

She didn’t know if she could bear it, if she could stand to see the regret in his eyes once he was finished. Didn’t know if she could bear to see him walk away as though it hadn’t mattered.

His eyes darkened further. “I didn’t regret it the first time, Tey,” he stated. “If there’s been anything in my life better than that night, then I don’t remember it.”

He could have fooled her. Her lips parted to refute that statement. She would have argued the point if he hadn’t chosen that moment to run his fingers over the swollen, heated curves of her pussy. Sensation tore through her. It zapped through her, clenched her room and had her pussy creaming further.

“Do you wax? You’re so soft here.” Approval and pleasure reflected in his voice.

A shudder worked up her spine as his touch sent flames licking around her clit. For the first time in her life there was no shame in the naturally bare flesh that glistened with her juices.

She shook her head. “It’s natural.”

She could see the surprise in his eyes. Surprise and hunger.

“As soft as a whisper.” His fingers stroked along the wet curves, sending the hungry burn deeper into the clenched hungry tissue of her pussy. “As sweet as sugar.” A finger parted the curves, eased through the thick juices then lifted.

Shocked, she watched as he brought his finger to his mouth, and tasted her with explicit pleasure. Brilliant blue eyes burned with lust, as he watched her, enjoyed her.

His expression tightened at the taste of her, his eyes darkening until they glowed a brilliant navy blue in his sun-darkened face.

The sexual intent of the act had her vagina clenching with a sudden tightness that nearly threw her into orgasm. Hard surges of sensation were like electric flames tearing through her body, sensitizing her to the point that every touch, every breath became ecstatic.

“Sweet Tehya, you make me drunk on you,” he groaned as she trembled, watching, waiting as his head lowered and his lips moved closer to the needy flesh awaiting his kiss.

She thought she was prepared for the touch of his lips, his tongue. “Please,” she whispered. “Now Jordan. Don’t tease.” But when his tongue licked through the seam of her pussy and flicked over her clit, a ragged cry tore from her lips. “Like this, sugar?” his tongue flicked over her clit, rasping it with a fiery rapturous stroke of pleasure.

“Jordan. Oh God, it’s so good,” she cried out, as lashing sensation seemed to attack every cell his tongue touched. “It’s so good. I need it, Jordan. I need more,” she was dying for him.

It was damp heat flaying her too sensitive flesh. It was a lash of fiery hunger that stormed through her senses with destructive heat. It was his tongue lapping at her, eating her with decadent pleasure.

His hands pushed her legs further apart, lifting her knees until he could prop her feet against the edge of the counter and bare more of her to his hungry tongue. His tongue flicked over her clit, around it, creating a storm of blazing sensation that washed through her body in waves of sexual intensity.

“Yes,” she moaned, unable to hold back the pleasure, or her vocal appreciation of it. “Jordan. I need you. I need you so bad.”

“What do you need, baby? Tell me what you need, Tehya.” His fingers parted the folds a second before he laid an intimate, deep kiss to her clit.

The suckling pressure, the feel of his lips surrounding the tender bud, shocked her senses further. She couldn’t maintain her position. She sank back, lying along the counter, her fingers curling over the edge to allow her nails something to dig into.

She was so close to coming. She could feel it tightening it her clit with each lick, each suckling kiss. Heat washed through her body, flushing it, causing perspiration to build at her temples as she whimpered with the pleasure.

His lips lifted a second before the explosion could detonate.

“No!” The strangled wail tore from her as her hands reached out for him, locking in his hair as she fought to pull him back to her.