“Since when are you in this disposition?” The doctor interposed, clinically.

“For a few days.” She replied, checking her hair.

“Mayhap we should see to it, my lord?” He asked her husband’s permission.

“Of course.” He looked at her paleness, concerned. “I’ll see her to her chambers and call you momentarily.”

He helped her walk to the hall and, as soon as they were out of sight, he hauled her in his powerful arms.

She gasped. “You don’t need to carry me.”

“You don’t look well.” He retorted with finality.

She had never been carried by any man, let alone by him. Her sense of independence objected dully to that inutile gesture. The woman in her, though, imbibed in his strong arms and muscled chest against her shoulder. Inadvertently, she passed her arm around his neck, resting her imbalanced head on him.

When he settled her in her chamber sitting room, he called the doctor, remaining outside, and waiting.

Aurelia conceived all this fuss unnecessary for a simple upset stomach. Her practical personality would not allow for dramas. Nevertheless, she let the doctor examine her docilely.

“This is superfluous, doctor.” She protested.

“You might be right, my lady.” He rummaged in his medical bag. “Better to be sure, wouldn’t you think?”

“Oh, well!” She acquiesced reluctantly.

After poking her with the strangest instruments, he sat by her side.

“It is nothing to worry about, Lady Strafford.” He smiled blandly. “I am certain you won’t be surprised to hear you are with child.”

She gaped at him as if he addressed her using an Asian language. “With child?”

r /> “Precisely, my lady.” He pretended not to notice her dumbfounded state. “You may become slightly sick in the first few weeks, but it will go away in due time, as it mostly happens.”

Her wide eyes still fixed on him; she absorbed his diagnosis with a knotted mind. With child? Goodness gracious! So soon? How on Earth?

“You must drink plenty of fluids. Perhaps one or two dry biscuits in the morning will alleviate possible malaises.” He continued advising. “Now, if you excuse me, I’ll talk to Lord Strafford.”

Absently she accepted his compliments and found herself alone in her sitting room. Her world spun in the highest speed, even if the dizziness had abated. She carried his child in her, she thought with wonder. Antithetic thoughts crossed her mind and conflicting feelings flooded her heart. His child. Her womb seemed to take in his seed with utter eagerness!

The first thing that surfaced was wonder. She carried the child of the man she had once loved; something she had dreamed of as a newlywed. So out of turn! Thinking of the new life that grew in her, though, melted her resistance completely. Happiness painted that. No doubt she would love this young life her body nurtured, it inspired her devotion already. Her gaze lowered, her hands held her middle, a soft smile designing in her elegant lips. She sighed.

In the study, Conrad appeared no less bewildered. “With child?”

“Yes, my lord.” Morrison smiled as the harbinger of good news. “Quite a natural development, I daresay.”

They had served together in India and had enough familiarity that the middle-aged man could say such things to him.

“Yes, yes.” Conrad said, his mind all on her. Slowly, he sat on the leather sofa before the fireplace, not in use at this time of day. “Is there any special care we need to attain?” He asked.

“Your wife is in good health. Nutrition and fluids, always.” He eyed Conrad directly. “And common sense, I would add.”

“I see.” He answered still surprised. He lifted his head to the other man. “I’ll arrange a carriage to take you to Middleton Manor, Samuel, with a message to my in-laws.”

“By all means, my lord.”

Alone in the study, Conrad gave free reign to is thoughts. They would have a child! The news unexpected but so welcome! Smug satisfaction invaded him. She would be the most beautiful mother in the entire world! Manly pride at his power to make a new life with her filled his chest. The future looked bright and full of hope.

Chapter Eleven