Past mid-afternoon, Conrad noticed Aurelia by the lake and walked to it. They had not talked since the doctor’s presence. She had stayed in her room and he in the study, unsure on how to go about it. The truth of it was he wanted to gather her in his arms and celebrate their recent news. He wanted to see her smiling at him, once at least, and include him in her thoughts, in her life.
Still, she sat by the pic-nick table, watching the lake in such a contemplative way. Distant, as if detached from him. At the sound of his steps on the gravel, she turned her head to him.
She dressed a simple dress in a watery blue colour which contrasted with her tightly pinned hair. The setting sun lent it reddish streaks and made her eyes more luminous. No other woman would look so exquisite to him.
“How are you feeling?” The first thing that came to his mind to say.
“Rather well.” She answered casually.
He sat on the bench in front of her. “I am only too,” he paused to find the word. “Gratified with the news.”
“I deemed it quite unexpected, in reality.” Her hands folded on the raw wood, her eyes wandering to the lake.
“Is it contrary to your inclination?” He asked tactfully.
A quizzical expression surfaced on her perfect features. “No, absolutely.”
Relief invaded him. He preferred a visit to Hades than give her reason for fretfulness. “I took it with a positive surprise if you must know.”
She shrugged noncommittal. “I understand this was one of your concerns.”
“True enough.” He responded. “It happened sooner rather than later, I’d say.”
“I defer to you.” She smiled faintly.
He fixed his eyes on her rosewood sun-filled eyes. “Do you want this child?” Although he had pressed her with an agreement, he wished to be clear about that.
“Most certainly. I never said I did not want to be a mother.” She lowered her lashes, hiding her thoughts. “I had given up the idea, though.”
For obvious reasons, he considered. His lack of commitment to their marriage, his absence. Guilt pierced him, one more mistake to add to his lengthy record. “I am glad to hear that.” He replied candidly. Up on his feet, he offered her his arm. “I believe it’s dinner shortly.”
She looked up at him, standing and placing her hand on his arm. They strolled to the manor in comfortable silence.
Late in the evening, Aurelia paced her bedchamber restless and tense. By the lake, she had been doing a lot of plans which she intended to put to practice. More restless paces and she wrapped her woollen shawl tighter around her prudish nightgown, tress falling over her shoulder.
The fatidic connecting door open to reveal Conrad in his pyjamas stepping in her room. With a halt, she turned to him, hands clutching her shawl. Why did he have to be simply the most… virile man in the world? It made everything staggeringly difficult.
He paused five feet from her. “I came to check if you need something.” He said in his deep voice. It travelled through her ears, down to unmentionable places.
“No, thank you.” She said, not comfortable enough to gaze him in his dark eyes.
“Is your stomach still upset?” His attention strolled over her in open appraisal.
“In effect, I am quite restored at the moment.” His fixedness perturbed her to the point of urging her to fidget; she tensed even more to maintain herself still.
He gave one step towards her. If he touched her, she would fall as a puddle in his carnal power.
“I would like to request you to go to the London house.” She blurted bluntly.
He froze mid-step, his eyes hardening. “What is this nonsense?” He asked irritably
She lifted her chin defiantly. “The deed is done. An heir is underway.” Calling on his promise to live in London sounded the reasonable action to take.
“I am not going anywhere!” He stated with finality.
She would be away from him; away from temptation, confused feelings. Turmoil!
“But the agreement…”