He was out of the chair and across the room in a flash, moving so fast he took me totally by surprise as he grabbed my wrist and held it tight. I felt a little squeeze in my chest as he grabbed me. I felt fear, tinged with a little excitement. Max meant business.
“I’m serious Kari. I know it’s not all your fault and I know your mother let you run wild. But there comes a time when you need to grow up and if you’re intentionally going to push boundaries we’ll end up having to do things the hard way.”
I could have told him to fuck off or threatened to scream if he didn’t let go of me. But I couldn’t bring myself to do it. The talk of consequences and boundaries had my heart racing. I couldn’t really put my finger on why, but maybe when you grow up without rules, rules become a little more exciting.
And there was no doubt that Max was an imposing masculine figure. Something that had been missing in my life. He had a certain effortless charm about him. When he wasn’t being an ass he was great company and those were the times when I understood what she saw in him.
But now? I wanted to say that these were the times I couldn’t see the appeal, but I honestly wasn’t so sure.
I couldn’t bring myself to apologize so instead I asked, “and if I don’t call you Max what am I supposed to call you? It’s not like I can call you Mr Standish.”
He thought about this for a moment, but didn’t release my wrist.
“Maxwell will do. If we’re in a formal situation. One day I hope you’ll call me Daddy.”
Da... “Daddy? You have got to be kidding me.”
He gave my arm a tug and pulled me nearer to him. I could feel real strength there. He didn’t flaunt it but Max... Maxwell was pretty buff. I knew he worked out and looked after himself, but it was easy to forget just how strong he was. When I was right next to him he bent low and spoke softly right into my ear.
“We’ll see about that Kari.”
For some reason his proximity sent a shiver down my spine and when he was close I got a whiff of a strong earthy scent that started my pulse racing.
He let go of my wrist and I rubbed where he had been holding it. I had to admit I was a little confused by the effect he was having on me and although part of me really wanted to storm off, another part of me was excited by the mood Max seemed to be in and really want to stick around.
“How about a bet?” He said, visibly relaxing a little. I even thought I detected a hint of a smile.
I’m listening. I cocked my hea
d and waited for him to continue.
“If you’re a good girl and accept your punishment gracefully... I bet by the end of it you call me Daddy.”
I laughed. "And what will I win if I don't?" I asked.
He shrugged. "If you win, I'll lift your curfew."
OK, I was interested. "And what if you win? I have to be in bed by eight? I have to call you Sir?"
“For a start,” and the smile had already evaporated as his tone hardened again, “you can lose the attitude and start treating me with a little respect. And then we’ll have a little talk about what I found in your top drawer.”
I was outraged that he had dared go through my stuff and embarrassed by the fact that he’d found my vibrator. It wasn’t even that I was uptight about sex or anything. It was just the way he said it. It made me feel like it was some kind of guilty secret, something I should be ashamed of.
“How about if I win you leave me and my stuff the fuck alone and shove your stupid curfew up your ass?”
Nineteen... twenty. He mouthed the words under his breath, they were barely a whisper.
“Huh? Oh I’ve been adding up the number of swear words. No matter how many times I tell you to watch your language around me you choose to ignore me.”
I shook my head. Whatever.
“So what is my punishment then? Let’s get it over with.”
He didn’t answer at first and instead looked me up and down. I felt small and my stomach squirmed as he did it. It felt like I was a specimen under a microscope.
“You are beautiful you know. Smart too. I like that about you. But you’ve grown up without boundaries. You lack an understanding of the consequences of your own actions. This makes you foolish. You have potential, but you have no drive or direction. You lack.... discipline.”