The word rolled off his tongue and he fixed me with a piercing stare. I couldn’t hold it for long and I was forced to look down and away. I felt a creeping sense of shame. Perhaps he was right.
“When was the last time you were spanked?”
“When... what? What is this, the Middle Ages? I’ve never been spanked.”
I couldn’t believe we were even discussing this. And yet it was hard to ignore this weird squirming feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Max beckoned for me to follow him with a hooked finger as he headed back to the chair he had been sitting in when I arrived.
I had a hundred insults sitting on the tip of my tongue and I knew I should have just laughed it off and headed to my room, but something compelled me to remain. I took a couple of hesitant steps towards him and noticed my legs were shaking. I took a deep breath and tried to focus. But it was no use, my mind was all over the place.
“You’re serious about this?” I asked him.
“Of course. Twenty smacks... and by the end of it you’ll be calling me Daddy.”
My stomach lurched as I stood in front of him. He seemed awfully confident that he’d win this. But being spanked couldn’t hurt that much. I’m sure I could take it. What concerned me more was the humiliation. The fact that we would always know he had done this to me.
“I’m waiting Kari.”
He impatiently tapped his hand against his thigh as he sat. Big hands. Strong arms. But how much could it hurt? I mean they spanked kids didn’t they? It couldn’t hurt that much if they spanked kids right? Getting into position was a little awkward. Although slight I guess I was a bit bigger than the average kid and I had to sort of flop down over his knees. As I did so my shirt moved up, leaving my stomach bare and flat against the rough material of his slacks.
I squirmed a little more than was necessary, intentionally trying to tease him. To be honest I was still feeling fairly horny and even though Max was old enough to be my father the warmth of his body was causing some feelings that I would probably have rather avoided. Once I was bent over his lap with my head low, I felt a little rush of blood. The warm, woolly feeling that came from that only added to the unusual and conflicting emotions I was feeling.
What was I doing? Had I gone crazy? But it was too late to back out now and as I felt his hand raise up high I braced myself for the inevitable...
The blow was harder than I expected, sending me hard against his legs. But muffled by the materials of my jeans it didn’t hurt at all. He could do this until the cows came home and I would win my bet.
“Right, stand up and take those jeans off. There’s no point in doing this if you can barely feel it.”
I had the urge to protest, but kept quiet. He was right and I was surprised to find that I was a little disappointed by the lack of pain.
I shimmied out of my jeans and stood before him in my underwear. Nothing fancy, just some neat pastel cotton panties, they were cut fairly high on my thighs, but beyond that it was all quite modest. As I stood before him I saw Max eying me up and down. He tried to hide it, but I could tell he liked what he saw.
This time as I lay across his knees I squirmed even more while I got into position. Max hissed through his teeth and I could feel him get a little hard against me. That was strange. I wasn’t sure what to think about that. The fact that I could have that effect on him was pretty cool though. I grinned as I got the distinct feeling I was winning this encounter. But then....
“Oooooow.” I howled and kicked my legs backwards. That really hurt! Much more than I had expected. Even through the cotton of my panties. Max’s broad hand had caught me square on my cheek and there was a lot of force behind it. He wasn’t playing around.
“Ow... damn it Max.”
I brought my hands backwards and tried to cover my ass, getting in the way of the next blow. But this didn’t impress him. He grabbed both my wrists in his spare hand and held them tight, forcing them up and away from my stinging ass.
“Ow ow ow ow ow ow.”
Shit. This time he connected right where he’d hit me once already. I felt a big red blossom of pain radiating outwards from the point of impact.