AJ did as she asked and got undressed. He was standing in just his boxer briefs, which Kat pointed to immediately. “Those too.”

AJ slipped them off and Kat did the same with her panties. As soon as her panties were on the ground, she jumped into the water. AJ followed suit and dove in after her. When their heads surfaced, Kat was giggling.

“I don’t think I’ve ever skinny dipped before,” she said, as she pushed her hair from her forehead.

“I have, but only when I’m here by myself,” AJ joked. “It’s a lot more fun with you, though.”

“I’ll bet it is,” Kat responded, as she splashed some water onto AJ’s face.

AJ splashed back and it wasn’t long before there was an all-out water splashing war. The room echoed with their laughter. In the back of AJ’s mind, he realized that it was the first time there had been anything but silence in that room. But he liked it. He liked the sound of her laughter much more than the usual silence. He thought for sure that it was something he could get used to.

As the commotion settled down, Kat approached

AJ in the water. She placed her hands onto his shoulders. AJ reached forward and touched the outside of her hips. Her skin was so soft and smooth, and his fingers slid easily along her curves. She was beauty incarnate in every way. They stood in the warm water, just enjoying each other’s embrace. It was perfect, really. The starry night outside, the warm water and dim lights inside, the soft classical music coming from the living room. AJ wondered what he had done in a past life to deserve a moment as pristine as this. And it only got better when Kat leaned in and brought her lips to his.

The two kissed and it was like time stood still. Their naked bodies became entangled. AJ was turned on instantly and found his hands moving down Kat’s back, grazing her behind. She didn’t seem to mind and in fact, his touch was encouraged as she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. He held her up with ease. She weighed nearly nothing in the water, which left his hands free to move all over as they wished.

Within seconds, AJ was fully erect between her legs. There was nothing standing between the satisfaction that only Kat could give him. He gently pressed forward and his tip slid in, causing her to gasp.

“AJ,” she whispered, as she pulled away from their kiss. “Not here.”

His body ached as Kat slowly dropped her legs and stepped back.

“Come on,” she said, as she used the small ladder to crawl out of the pool.

He stood and watched her leave the water. Her body shined with droplets that slid all the way down her back. Her hair was wet, which for some reason turned him on even more. Up until that moment, AJ was sure that there was nothing in this world that could make Kat look any sexier. He was wrong.

“I really like the view from here, though,” he said sadly, as he pouted out his lower lip like a puppy dog.

She playfully grabbed a white towel from a nearby rack and covered herself up with it. “Well, then get out of there and get a closer look. I’m freezing.”

Kat exaggerated a shiver and then scurried along the edge of the pool. AJ followed her out, grabbing a towel for himself as he went. She looked over her shoulder at him and flashed a flirtatious smile before disappearing around the corner. AJ followed her like an obedient servant. He would have happily followed her anywhere.

When he walked out of the bathroom, Kat was standing a few feet down the hall. She had dropped her towel a bit, letting the top of her cleavage show. AJ practically drooled as he looked her over.

I can’t believe I’m dating this girl, he thought. She’s perfect.

“Come on, I’ll take you to the den,” he said. “It’s the one room you haven’t seen yet.”

They walked down the hall and past the living room. There were two steps that led down to a part of the house that had been built just a few feet lower than the rest. Inside the large room was a piece of the actual mountainside, its rocky surface fully exposed.

“Is this part of the hill outside?” Kat asked, with a surprised expression on her face once again.

“You like it?” AJ asked. “I thought it would be nice to have a little piece of nature in here, so I had the builders create it for me. I sort of wanted to have a ‘man-cave’ and what better way to create a cave than to have one of the walls part of the mountain?”

Kat gazed up and down the rock, then turned her attention to the massive fireplace that was located next to it. Kat dug her toes into the sheep skin rug underneath her feet as AJ spun around and flipped a switch near the doorway, causing a flame to flicker up into the fireplace. He walked up behind her. He dropped his towel and wrapped his arms around her waist, watching as the fire in front of them grew.

“Is that better?” he asked.

Kat nodded. “It feels good. I still can’t believe this house. It’s like something out of a dream.”

AJ kissed the outside of her neck, gently moving his lips downward toward her shoulder. “There's one more thing I wanted to show you.”

She giggled. “I can't believe there's anything else.”

“I think you'll like this,” AJ said. He reached up on the top shelf of a nearby bookcase, carrying a bag down. “I wanted to bring it to you in the office, but you know how we feel about our competitors' products.”

Kat looked at him quizzically, having no idea what he was talking about. AJ reached into the bag and pulled out the one souvenir she had left him...