AJ chuckled. She was so cute and still one of the only people that could make him genuinely laugh.

“I felt like having a pool in the bathroom made sense. You know, because it makes it so much easier to take a shower after you’ve gone for a swim,” he explained.

Kat spun around, bringing her attention to the opposite corner of the room. Her hand lifted as she pointed.

“And a hot tub?” she asked.

“Oh yeah, that’s the other part of this room that I absolutely love,” he said, as they walked toward the tub. “I had this skylight installed above it so that you can see the stars at night while you’re relaxing.”

Sure enough, above the hot tub was a skylight that was as big as the tub itself. They both gazed up at the clear night sky, and the blanket of stars that covered it. Kat looked so amazed that AJ thought for sure he was going to have to help her get her jaw off of the floor. Suddenly, she turned her attention away from the skylight and brought her eyes to him.

“So I don’t know how to tell you this, but I don’t think I’m ever going to leave this room,” she mused. “Seriously. Keep the rest of the house, but you’re just going to have to accept the fact that I’ll be living in the bathroom. I hope that’s going to work out for you.”

AJ shrugged and then responded casually, “I’m okay with that.”

Kat blushed immediately, realizing the implications of what was just said. AJ watched as she began playing with her hair, quickly twirling it in her fingers. Her nerves were showing for some reason. Apparently the suggestion of them living together was a little too much, too soon. In an effort to change the subject and to kill the awkward silence, AJ spoke up. “Want to go for a swim?”

Kat’s hands dropped to her stomach, where she held them there for a moment before pulling it away. “I’d love to, but I didn’t bring a suit.”

AJ grinned. Her words were like music to his ears. “You don’t need a suit here. This is a private pool. I promise we’re the only ones allowed in here.”

Kat looked at the pool and then to AJ. She gazed into his eyes. Her expression reminded him of when they had met at the wedding reception. It was like she was seeing him again for the first time. But there was something else too. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something on her mind.

“Everything okay?” AJ asked.

She nodded slowly in response. “Yeah, I guess I’m just a little in awe of it all, you know? All of this.”

Her hands motioned around the room, from the hot tub, to the pool and to the view of the city.

“I’m just not used to dating a billionaire,” she continued.

AJ stood silent as he listened. He was proud of all he had accomplished and worked for, but he never wanted it to be something that would scare Kat off. In fact, he had hoped for just the opposite. He wanted to share it with her, if she would ever let him.

“Come to think of it,” Kat said. “I’m not even used to dating a guy who can afford his own house, let alone a pool in his bathroom.”

AJ watched her speak, just falling in love with her more and more by the second. Finally, he spoke. “Well, all of this stuff is nice. But it’s just stuff, you know? I certainly don’t define my life by it, but I do try to enjoy it. That’s what it’s here for.”

There was a pause as AJ found the right words.

“Will you enjoy it with me while you’re here?” he asked. “How about that swim?”

Kat’s lips finally curled up into a smile. The initial shock of the mansion seemed to be fading a bit and it seemed like she was ready to relax and enjoy herself.

“Okay,” she said. “But close your eyes.”

AJ looked at her like she was crazy. “I’ve seen you naked before, you know?”

“I know!” Kat squealed. “Still, just close your eyes. And you better be getting naked, because I’m not going to be the only one going in there without a swimsuit.”

AJ lifted his hands to his face to cover up his eyes. Of course, he couldn’t help but to take a peek through his fingers. He watched as Kat slipped off her clothes. She stood there, perfect and beautiful, wearing only her bra and panties. He soaked in the sight of her, unable to break his gaze. His heart thumped behind his rib cage. Sure, she turned him on, but there was something else that was increasing his heart rate. It felt like she belonged there with him. It was as though the entire universe had conspired to create that moment, where she’d be in his home and he’d be falling head over heels for her.

“You better not be peeking, mister,” Kat said, as she approached the edge of the pool.

“Peeking? No way. I’d never do something like that. Unless, of course, there was some kind of situation where you and I were both about to go swimming and you had forgotten your swimsuit. Then I might just have to take a peek.”

Kat smiled flirtatiously as she took off her bra and tossed it at AJ. It landed over his shoulder and he finally dropped his hands. His eyes went straight to her body and he shook his head in admiration. “You are so gorgeous.”

She smirked and then crossed her arms. “Take your clothes off, AJ. I refuse to be the only naked one here.”