“You're a doctor? What kind of doctor?” Quirking her head, Candy looks between both of us.

“I am, I have my own practice, right here in town, and I pull a

couple emergency room shifts a week at Dallas General.”

“No fucking way.” her eyes go wide, and her mouth drops open a little.

“Do you two know each other?” She almost looks smug when she asks this like she knows something we don’t.


“No.” Jules and I stay at the same time. When her eyes go

big, and she turns bright, red Candy starts freaking out.

“Oh my God, Jules are you ok? Do you need some water? Matt do something, she looks like she’s having a heart attack.”

She pulls out a chair at her small kitchen table and ushers Jules to sit in it. I quickly kneel in front of her as soon as her butt hits the seat and even in my panicked state I somehow manage to talk to her like any other patient. While on the inside I'm reassuring myself that she is just fine.

“Have you ever had a panic attack before Dollface?” I say in a soft reassuring voice. Which causes Candy’s eyes to widen at the term of endearment.

“Matty, I’m sorry I left you this morning,” Jules says as she grabs the collar of my shirt.

Candy clears her throat, and I can tell she is about to say something, but I shake my head at her. She turns and leaves the kitchen, giving us privacy.

“It’s ok Dollface, let’s just relax,” I say once Candy is out of the kitchen. I am about to say more when she tugs hard on my collar until our lips meet. I could kiss her all day, but that would lead to me fucking her on my sister's kitchen floor, and I don’t plan on doing that.

Regrettably, I pull away from our kiss and have to stop myself from laughing when she makes a little growl and tries to pull me back in.

“Bring those back. I missed them all morning.”

“Maybe you’ll think twice before sneaking out on me,” I say smiling.

“Maybe I will. If you still want to see me.”

“I definitely do Dollface. I definitely do.”

“Alright. Let’s do this then. Dinner Friday?”

“Sure, we can do that, but what about breakfast, lunch, and dinner on all the other days in between?”

“I think we can come to an agreement. Now about my shoes?”

“I told you when you’d get those back, and I was serious. Ask me again on our wedding day.”

She just laughs and rubs her hand along my jawline before kissing me sweetly. “Your sister is probably pacing a hole in the floor wondering what is going on in here.”

“I imagine so Dollface, let’s go put her out of her misery.” I

grab her hand and lead her to the living room.

“So… you guys know each other then?” Candy asks looking like she is about to burst with excitement. She seems way to proud of herself, and I’m pretty sure she has something to do with my little Dollface coming into my life. I can’t even be mad at her. Fuck, I am

going to have to thank her.

“Why do I feel like I am missing something?” I ask

“Well… I may have been the one who invited Juliet to your place for the party.” Candy says in her sweetest voice looking as innocent as a bird.