“I'm sorry, you did what?” Jules asks with her hands on her hips.
“Well fuck Jules, you never get out. I have been trying to get you to meet my brother for the last four months. I was running outta ways for you to meet. So, are you guys dating?”
“We are going to see what happens,” Jules says diplomatically.
“Ok. I’m going to finish up dinner. People will be here soon. Come help me, I want all the juicy details, okay maybe not all of them.” she says as she grabs Jules hand and practically drags her to the kitchen.
Evan hasn’t looked up from the game, so I go to join him.
“So, you and Jules, huh?” Evan asks me.
“Yes. I am grateful she said yes. Kidnapping is frowned upon in Texas.” I say, laughing, though I am completely serious. I don’t know what I would have done if she said no again. Evan laughs. “I know what you mean man.” I nod. I don’t want to think about him and my sister. “When is your house going to be ready?” I ask him, lowering my voice. I know it is a surprise for Candy.
“It will be ready on the 1st but, I am waiting until Valentine’s Day. Have you seen it yet?”
“No, not yet, but I am sure she will love it.” He brings out his phone and shows me pictures. “Scratch that. I know she will love it. She has always wanted a reading nook, just like that.”
“How did you figure it out?”
“Her Pinterest page.”
“That is pretty fucking smart. I never would have thought to stalk that.”
“Yeah, it paid off big time. “He says laughing. The doorbell rings as he puts his phone away. He stands and lets Marc and Teagan in, followed by Sam and Kristy. Donnie and Ryder come in behind them. Suzy rolls in with Cam and Gage. The gang's all here with different sides to go with our potluck dinner.
When the guys head to the kitchen for beers, I follow them because I can’t be having so many single guys near my girl. Suzy looks longingly after Ryder, and when he looks back at her, I
realize there is something there.
I reach Jules’s side and grab her hand, tucking her head up under my chin. “Hey, Dollface. Miss me?”
“You barely gave me a chance to miss you, but yeah I did Matty.” She looks up at me, and I have to suck in a breath.
My heart thuds in my chest and I am a goner. I’ve gone ass over tits for this girl who makes my heart beat faster.
“Hey, Doc?” Ryder asks me.
“This your girl?”
“Yes,” I say without hesitation.
“She gives a mean buzz cut.” Ryder finishes, and I smile.
“Cam here loves to make a bi-weekly appointment with her. He is gonna be crushed.” I pull her closer to me. Hard enough where she squeaks out a breath.
“Sorry, Dollface.”
“It’s cool.”
“I don’t make appointments to get close to her if that is what you are thinking,” Cam says quietly.
“You don’t?” Jules asks.
“Nope. You have a picture up at your station with you and the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. I keep hoping she will show up and I can ask her out.” Jules thinks for a minute.