“Hi, Maddy,” Logan's voice said from the doorway. “I was just seeing if Olivia was ready for breakfast.”

My heart dropped, landed on the floor, and flopped around like a fish. It just had to be Logan at the door. I was pretty sure Fate hated me. I held onto a sliver of hope that I could convince her this would be just a business meeting, but I could feel it in my bones that she was going to figure it out. Maddy was a mom. She always figured this stuff out.

“She's getting dressed. How about I have her meet you down at the restaurant?” Maddy was nothing but polite, and I knew that meant trouble. She was never courteous unless it was to a customer or someone she was contemplating killing later. She said the politeness was part of her plan to get away with murder some day. All the witnesses would say it just couldn't have been Maddy because she was always so gracious. Logan was a dead man.

“That sounds wonderful. Would you and Tyler like to join us?” Logan asked. I wanted to kiss him and smack him at the same time. Bless him for trying to find a way to be a part of my life, but this was just digging my grave a little deeper.

“We already ate, thank you,” Maddy responded.

“All right. Say hi to Tyler for me,” Logan said with a smile in his voice. “I should go get a table before all the good ones are taken. It was nice to see you, Maddy.”

“Thank you, Logan. I'll send Olivia down in just a bit. We have some things we need to discuss,” she said, all smiles and sunshine. An icy balloon was growing in the pit of my stomach. The regret I had so successfully ignored up until now was filling up all the hollow spaces in my body. I quickly changed my clothes as Maddy quietly closed the door.

“Please tell me this isn't what I'm thinking it is,” she said, coming into the bedroom. She was wearing her worried mom look and I could feel my willpower crumbling against it.

“Maddy, let me explain...”

“Oh my gosh, it is...” Maddy leaned against the doorway, her mouth hanging open. Disappointment was written all over her face. “What is there to explain? You're sleeping with the man who not only tried to ruin your business once, but is actively trying to do it again? Not to mention, the last time he slept with you he never bothered to call you back? What are you thinking?”

“He didn't have anything to do with the business!” I interjected. I hated that disapproving look. I would take angry, upset, or horror over disappointed any day of the week.

“Olivia...” Maddy pressed her fingertips into her forehead and took a steadying breath. “Don't you see what he's doing?”

“He didn't have anything to do with the consultants, Maddy. He feels terribly about all of it. He's even trying to help,” I told her, desperate to explain. I couldn’t handle her stricken gaze.

“He's using you!” she exclaimed, swiftly crossing the space between us and resting her hands atop my shoulders so she could shake them.

“What?” Her words didn't make any sense. I stepped back, but she didn't let go.

She sighed and spoke slowly. “He wants your company. For the past six months, you haven't given it to him. He's tried everything to get it. And it hasn't worked, so he's trying a new tactic.”

“No...” I shook my head, but she wouldn’t let me go.

“He gets you to like him. Trust him. Believe that he's looking out for your best interests.” Maddy paused and pressed her lips together for a moment. “How long do you think you'll be able to keep telling him you're not selling when you’re sleeping in bed with him?”

“It's not like that, Maddy,” I said, trying to figure out what it actually was like myself. With her words in my ear, I wasn't quite so sure anymore. Doubt was creeping into regret's spot in my stomach.

“Then what is it like? From where I'm standing, a s

hrewd, conniving businessman is reaching you where you are most vulnerable. As soon as you give him what he wants, he's going to leave you high and dry...again.” She frowned, her eyes concerned. What scared me more than anything was that she wasn't even angry.

“He wouldn't...” I repeated breathlessly.

“How can you say that after what he did to you? If it hadn't been for him, you would have had backers like Travel-Pedia and HotelVacations two years ago.” She stopped and took a deep breath. “He led you on for the benefit of Travel, Inc. And now he's doing it again, but you're too charmed by his six-pack abs and empty promises to see it. But this time, it's going to be even worse. I won't be able to save you this time.”

Tears welled up in my eyes. What if she was right? What if this was just another one of Logan’s amazing business negotiation tactics? I didn't want to be used again. But he had been so honest and sincere yesterday. It had felt real, more real than anything I had ever had with another person.

“He's promised to help me fix this,” I said meekly, still unwilling to doubt him in full. “He's sincere about it. I know it.”

“And he hasn't given you any reason not to trust that? I mean, even if we negate past experiences with him, he hasn't done anything that makes you think he might be hiding something from you?” Maddy asked. I instantly remembered when he slammed his laptop shut this morning.

“No. He hasn't done anything to make me doubt him.” It wasn't really a lie. Maddy didn't need to know what had happened this morning after I startled him. Besides, he had every right to be startled. I would have reacted the same way.

Maddy looked at me, evaluating my words before speaking. “You remember meeting my ex-husband, Tom, right? You shook his hand and he smiled and was incredibly charming?”

I nodded. I had met him only once, but he had seemed very nice.

“And I bet you wondered for a moment, 'Is Maddy crazy? This is a great guy!'” Maddy paused just long enough for me to start denying it before she cut me off. “But you saw what he did to me. How he was so sweet and kind and caring about the whole affair. He apologized so many times and I believed him.”