I knew this wasn't his fault. It was his father's. “I really appreciate it. I do.” I put the shirt up over my head, starting the process of getting dressed. “You want to get a table for us downstairs? I'll do my best to get through my emails quickly, but then we can at least still have breakfast.”

“I'll take you any way I can get you,” he answered, his eyes hovering at the bottom hem of my shirt and darkening. He was wearing only a pair of boxers, and I was strongly considering changing my mind yet again. But my phone chirped indicating another urgent message. Business before pleasure, I thought. Always business before pleasure.

“I want you to know how incredibly tempted I am just to stay up here,” I said. He grinned and I nearly lost my nerve to leave.

“Hurry, then, and we'll eat quickly and come back.” He paused, bending over to pick up my shorts and hand them over. He leaned back and watched me finish dressing. As I put on my shoes, he waggled his eyebrows. “Or maybe we'll go destroy your room next.”

“I'd like that. I'll see you in fifteen minutes. Maybe twenty, depending on the emails,” I promised, going to the door.

“One more thing,” he said, crossing the distance between us and taking me in his arms again. I knew his kiss was coming, but even then, I wasn't prepared for it. He took my breath away, stealing it for himself and making me forget that I had ever needed to breathe in the first place. My knees went weak, and my heart pounded in my chest as my body started to heat. I melted into him, relishing his kiss. This was the way to start a morning.

“That's better th

an coffee,” I gasped when he let me go. He chuckled, obviously proud of himself.

“There’s more where that came from,” he assured me, sauntering back to his office chair. I took one last look at his broad shoulders, enjoying the view and the pleasant tingling sensation that his visage caused in my nether regions. Today was going to be a very good day.


I slid my key card into the door and waited for the green light to flash in recognition. I never trusted these electronic hotel locks. I had accidentally stored one too many of them in the same pocket as my phone so that they were demagnetized.

“Where were you all day yesterday?” Maddy asked, startling me. I nearly missed the green light because I was too busy bumping my head against the ceiling. “And in the same clothes no less?”

“Maddy, you scared me,” I told her, putting a hand to my thumping heart. The little jolt of adrenaline raced through me. “What are you doing here?”

“Just walking by.” Maddy came right up next to me, peering into my face and then bursting out in a big grin. “I was right. You've been with someone.”

“What?” I chuckled nervously. I wasn't ready for this conversation yet. I hadn't had my coffee, and while Logan's kiss was the best way to wake up, I wasn't ready to face the wrath of Momma Maddy without my caffeine. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”

Maddy laughed, clearly enjoying my discomfort. “You met a boy. Or rather, judging from that happy glow you're giving off, you met a man.”

I nearly slipped putting the key card in a second time, but I at least managed to get the door open. Maddy followed me inside, practically bouncing with excitement.

“Maddy, I have no idea what you're talking about.” I tried to keep my face serious, but she knew me far too well. She hugged me and giggled.

“Tell me all about him. I want to know everything.” She grinned. She was so happy for me. Both of us had struggled with the dating world the past two years, so I knew she saw either one of us getting any action as a victory for both of us.

I sighed. There was no way I was getting out of this. At least I didn't have to tell her who it was. “Maddy...” I had no idea what to say next. Maddy, I'm sleeping with my biggest rival and the man who already broke my heart once. And I think I'm falling for him again. Because, I'm just that smart. Yeah. That would go over really well.

“I haven't seen you this happy in a long time. I was a little worried about you,” Maddy confessed. “But right now, you're radiant. Love looks good on you.”

“It's not love,” I said a little too quickly, feeling a blush settle in my cheeks.

Maddy raised her eyebrows. “If you say so. Whatever it is, at least the sex makes you look good.”

“Maddy!” My blush went deeper.

“Messy hair, rosy cheeks, a little wiggle in your walk...” Maddy demonstrated, moving her hips in a swivel that made her look like she was going to throw out her back in the process. “It's pretty obvious. Tell me all about him.”

I let my arms fall to my side. There was no fighting her. If I just gave her the info she wanted, and left out the Logan part, everyone could go happily to breakfast. If she saw me at breakfast with him, I could say I was being a good businesswoman and considering all my options. That sounded reasonable enough to me.

“Well, he's built like a Greek god and worthy of the legends.” I thought of Logan's broad shoulders and the magic his fingers could work. Definitely worthy of the legends. “I was... let's go with hesitant, about him at first. But he's not what I thought. He convinced me to look a little deeper.”

“Oh, you've got it bad.” Maddy snickered and sat down on the bed, bouncing up and down a little like a middle school sleepover guest. “What's his name?”

“Um...” I turned away from her, digging into my suitcase, and bit my lip. Maddy knew my history with Logan. She was one of the few people that actually understood all of it, and had witnessed its effects on me. Ever since the wedding, she had become extremely protective of me when it came to Logan. I was pretty sure she felt guilty about blabbing to him.

A knock on the door saved me. “I got it,” Maddy said, hopping up from the bed. I let out a sigh of relief. Hopefully, it was just housekeeping.