When she threw her head back, poised on the edge, he trapped the taut pearl between his teeth for one gentle, dragging nip. She came against his mouth, strong spasms that caused her legs to tremble and his cock to weep. Getting inside her became his prime objective.
He eased her onto the bed and pushed her knees up and open. Her pussy continued to clench, erotically framed by the dark stockings.
“So damn beautiful.” He quickly stripped off his jeans and briefs and kicked them to the side. Rising up and over her, Gabe braced his weight on one arm and gripped his cock. He dragged the head through her slit, wetting the tip with her juice, shuddering as the contact caused her pussy to contract against him. She was the most responsive woman he’d ever been with, slick and warm and ready, lifting her pelvis upward in pleading invitation, and he was damn well ready to RSVP. He pressed in and watched her stretch to accept him.
Then sanity prevailed.
“Condom,” he gritted, and pulled back.
“No.” She brought her arms up, ran them down his back, clamped her hands on his ass and held him to her almost desperately. “It’s okay. I can’t get pregnant.”
With very little blood left in his brain, and his erection straining at the gate, Gabe was having difficulty concentrating on anything but the warm, wet, begging-to-be-fucked woman under him, but the words can’t get pregnant registered. They had already ascertained that they were both safe…the thought of going in bare, flesh to flesh, to feel that hot, wet haven welcoming him…squeezing him…
“Are you sure?”
She reached her hand between them, closed her fingers around him and guided him to her, arched her hips up, and rubbed the head of his cock over her warm, wet entrance.
“I don’t want a condom. I don’t want anything between us. I want to feel you, just you inside me.” She stroked his cock from base to tip. “Just this.”
Gabe’s heart thudded in his chest, pounded in his ears. His cock pulsed. He couldn’t recall ever being so hard, or wanting a woman so badly.
“Put me in.” He lifted her hips and watched her guide him in. She was tight, but she spread her legs wide, locked her heels over his ass and squeezed, pulling him in deeper. She closed around him, a hot silken vise, and it took every ounce of willpower he possessed not to shove into her to the hilt.
“You okay?” he panted, the muscles in his arms burning as he held himself back, fought for control.
“I feel you.” She looked down to the spot where their bodies joined, reached between them and closed her hand around the part of him that remained out of her, moved her fingers over his shaft. “I feel…”
“Tell me.”
“I can feel you stretching me, filling me. I can feel the shape of you…and I want it all.”
The hitch of her voice as she described how he felt inside her, the way her breath caught as she spoke the words was the hottest fucking thing a woman, any woman, had ever said to him. Yet at the same time it touched him in a place that went far beyond the lust that was doing its damnedest to drive him insane. The wonder in her voice…it was as though she’d never felt it before, and pride swelled that he was the man who gave it to her.
“I want everything you can give me, for just one night,” she whispered.
“It’s all yours.” Carefully pushing in until she could comfortably take all of him, Gabe swallowed her soft cries of pleasure as she rose to meet each thrust.
And take she did, with a greedy hunger that matched his own.
“Tell me what you need, baby,” he panted.
“Out, all the way out,” she said, pushing at his hips as her own pulled back. “I want to feel all of you when you come back into me…hard.”
Gabe pulled back, and God, she was right. Each time he pulled out, he felt the sweet drag of her hot, silken walls cling to him, and the wet softness of welcome each time he sank back in. He was drowning in sensations he’d thought long dead, and didn’t care if he ever came up for air.
Her sharp hitching gasps told him he was giving her what she needed. When they became low, throaty moans, he knew she was about to come.