Gabe shifted, dropped her legs, slid one hand under Beth’s hips, and tilted her upward. He pressed high, rotating his hips as he rocked into her, laughing in triumph when she bowed up and she gasped out her pleasure.
“Again!” she moaned, clamping her fingers around the tight muscles of his ass as he drove into her, digging her heels into the backs of his taut thighs. “Do it again.”
With a strength born of sheer will, Gabe fought back the urge to come. He looked down at Beth, her head grinding into the mattress, her breasts rolling with each thrust of his hips.
“God, you’re beautiful.” He couldn’t get close enough, couldn’t go deep enough. Shifting, he pushed her knees up to her chest, slid his hands under her back and cupped them over her shoulders.
“Please. I need…”
“Hang on, love, we’re almost there,” he panted. When the first tingle hit his spine, signaling his orgasm, Gabe almost panicked. Damned if he’d be the first to break. Then she bowed up, gasped out his name and pulled him down into sweet oblivion with her.
Chapter Seven
The dark eyes gazing down at Beth held a hint of wonder. The warm palm skimming up her back pulled her closer instead of shoving her away. His lips were reverent on hers, and when they lifted, held a smile of tenderness that robbed her of breath.
Beth closed her eyes and stretched into Gabriel’s embrace, arching into the hands that adored her breasts.
“Hopefully, it’ll be better next time,” Gabe murmured.
Her eyes popped open and she felt a moment of anxiety, expecting the criticism to come after all, but the frown he attempted slipped. His warm, brown eyes crinkled at the corners, and his mouth split into a wide grin. He was teasing her, playing with her, and her heart gave a little flutter.
“I guess we’ll just have to keep trying,” she said.
“I do like a woman with a plan of action.” He skimmed his hand over her hip and eased his thigh between her legs.
“The plan at the moment is to go to the bathroom.” Easing out of his arms, Beth sat up and scooted off the edge of the bed, the sheets smooth and cool against her still highly sensitized flesh.
Padding to the bathroom in her stocking feet, Beth was conscious of the dark eyes that watched her from the bed. The low groan that followed her progress said he was enjoying the view. The knowledge that she could pull that reaction from Gabe brought a smile of pure feminine satisfaction to her lips. If there was any doubt that she’d made the right decision in inviting him to share her bed, what had just happened between them laid that concern to rest.
She looked at herself in the bathroom mirror, hardly recognizing the woman staring back at her. This woman’s lips were swollen from a man’s kiss, her hair tangled from his fingers combing through it. This woman’s skin held the faint abrasions of whiskers. But it was her eyes that held Beth’s attention. The eyes that looked back at her were indolent, sex-hazed—sated. The eyes of a woman who’d been very properly made love to.
No, she corrected, she’d been very properly…fucked. By a man who very definitely knew what he was doing, and despite the fact that he’d given her three soul-wrenching orgasms in less than thirty minutes, her sex swelled, greedy for another.
Turning from the mirror, Beth looked around the luxurious bath. Her gaze settled on the large, step-up tub—a Jacuzzi. The smile that curved her lips might have belonged to the woman in the mirror, but the thoughts behind it belonged solely to Beth.
Beth peeled off her stockings and walked to the tub. She stepped up and turned on the water, testing the temperature with her hand. Connie’s comment about doing bad things in the Jacuzzi snuck in and Beth found herself humming the tune in her head. It appeared this was one of those times when she had to give her friend credit where credit was due because there were a number of very bad things she wanted to do with Gabe in this tub.
Folding his hands behind his head, Gabe stared at the ceiling and grinned.
He couldn’t feel his legs.
Other than his first time with a woman, he couldn’t recall ever having come so hard and for so long. Hell, he hadn’t just come, she’d wrung it out of him, wrapped those long legs around his ass and took until they were a tangle of weak, sweaty limbs and gasping breaths. Even with his body a mass of relaxed muscle and tired bone, his cock stirred against his thigh in anticipation of a repeat performance.