Gabe did a little shifting of his own, widening his legs to accommodate the erection pushing against his fly. Get a grip, North. What had she asked? Something about his medical background…
“I’ve been in the ER for almost two years. The transition from private practice was easier to make than I expected.” In fact, it had been exactly what he’d needed. The fast pace left him little time to dwell on his failures with Rita, and exhaustion at the end of his shift made it easier to sleep at night. Most of the time. “I like the dynamics, the constant change and variety of the Emergency Department.” He shook his head. “There’s never a dull moment, as you well know.”
“That’s true.”
A warm breeze stirred, carrying with it Beth’s tempting scent. He looked up from his water and found her watching him, quiet and still. His gaze dropped to her mouth, plump and pink, with the tiniest downward pull at the corners. There were a number of things he’d like to do with that mouth, a number of places he’d like her to put it. Her tongue flicked out, leaving a sheen of moisture on her bottom lip. His cock jerked against the confining fabric of his slacks as he imagined those lips parting, sliding over his throbbing tip.
Sweat beaded Gabe’s brow. Consumed with the sudden driving need to taste that sinfully tempting mouth, he started to lean in.
“Hey, Mom!” Drew came bounding up, a camera in one hand, another hanging by a strap over his shoulder.
Gabe jerked back, as frustrated at having his brief moment of privacy with Beth interrupted as he was shocked by the burning need coiling in his belly. What was it about her that affected him this way? He hadn’t had this intense a reaction to a woman in years. With a shake of his head, he gave his attention to the boy.
While Gabe wasn’t photo savvy, he did know a high-dollar piece of equipment when he saw one. The kid was obviously serious about his craft, and from what he’d seen of how he worked, figured a promising future in photography was his for the taking.
A few inches shorter than himself, Drew had near black hair and pale gray eyes. He found nothing of his mother there. His gaze darted to Beth’s left hand. No ring. Not even a tan line to indicate she’d worn one recently. Was the father still in the picture?
“Dr. North.” Drew extended his hand. “That was awesome, what you did with Mr. Montgomery. I got some great shots.”
Returning the handshake, Gabe smiled. “I had a great partner.”
Drew squatted beside Beth’s chair and gave her a shoulder nudge and a grin. Pride for his mom shone in his eyes. The words weren’t necessary. He reached for her glass, draining it in one long gulp. “The guys are a few minutes away, so I’m gonna stow my gear in the car.” He waggled the empty glass and started to stand. “I’ll get you another water.”
“I’ve got it,” Gabe motioned to one of the wait staff, held up his glass and two fingers. “Where are you off to?” And what, he wondered, was Beth doing in the meantime and how could he talk her into doing it with him?
“Thanks. We’re taking the weekend to look around the university to get a feel for the campus and surrounding area.” Drew hesitated, bounced on his haunches, clearly at odds with leaving his mom to fend for herself while he and his friends took in the town. However, when she tugged on the camera strap and asked him to take some shots for her to look at when they got home, he nodded. His phone chirped. He glanced at the screen and stood. “They’re here. Want us to follow you back to the hotel?”
Ah, damn it, Gabe needed more time to explore his reaction to Beth…and coax a few more from her as well. Scratch that. He wanted to coax a lot more out of her. His brain kicked into overdrive, searching for a plausible excuse for her to linger.
Just ask her, dumbass!
He opened his mouth to do just that when Beth reached out and brushed her hand over the boy’s cheek, much the way he’d seen her do earlier. The mix of maternal love and humor at her son’s concern brightened her blue eyes.
“Stop worrying about me and have fun with the guys,” she told Drew. Another kid might have ducked away, embarrassed by the public display of affection especially in front of another male, but Gabe had to give Drew credit for simply nodding and jogging off to meet his friends.