Page 13 of Playing Doctor

Settling back in his chair, Gabe gave his knuckles a mental cracking, totally prepared to slip back into the mellow mood that had surrounded him and Beth before her son had interrupted. Beth, however, shot that straight to hell when she stood and reached for her purse hanging on the back of the chair.

“It was nice meeting you, Gabe.” She smiled down at him and held out her hand, which he automatically took. “I can honestly say this was the most interesting wedding I’ve ever attended.”


Frustration clawed at the back of his throat. The universe was definitely fucking with him today. “You’re leaving?”

Her gaze left his to drift over the reception area. The sounds of music and laughter floated through the air. For an instant, wistfulness stole into her expression. She didn’t want to go.


“It’s early. Stay. Have a drink and enjoy the music,” he urged, bringing her attention back to him.

Uncertainty puckered Beth’s brow. “I don’t know. I really should get back to the hotel. I need to do some paperwork, look over résumés…” Her voice held an almost imperceptible note of regret.

Shamelessly, he played on it. Shifting his hold on her hand, Gabe skimmed his fingers over the inside of Beth’s wrist. Her pulse jolted, and then settled into a quick, steady rhythm before he let go of her. He wanted to press his mouth to that silken spot of skin, to feel the rush of her heartbeat against his tongue and know he’d caused it. “Is the world going to end if you don’t finish that tonight?”

“Well no, but…”

“Then stay for a while, with me.” Gabe held his breath as Beth stood there, her purse dangling from her hand as she fought some inner battle, debating whether to stay or go. Then a sigh lifted her breasts.

“Okay. For a while,” she conceded, laying her purse on the table and sitting back down.

Gabe sank back in his chair, pushed the air slowly from his lungs. Beside him, Beth scooted up in her seat, crossed her legs and shifted again. Her little bow-backed chair was getting uncomfortable again. Given enough time, and with her acquiescence, he planned to ease every ache between those restless legs.

Then he was going to have that little chair bronzed.

Chapter Four

As the sun set on the Montgomery Estate, ropes of sparkling white lights illuminated the gauzy tents’ ceilings, lending a cozy, more intimate ambience. Caterers and wait staff filtered through the tables, lighting pillar candles that stood in crystal bowls.

The band switched from blood-pumping rock to slow, romantic tones, and a few couples swayed on the dance floor. A cool breeze drifted off the lake bordering the lush gardens, bringing with it the rich fragrance of honeysuckle and wildflowers. And Gabe.

From the corner of her eye, Beth watched him fake an elaborate yawn, stretching his arm over the back of her chair. When she lifted her brows at the wrist dangling over her shoulder, he grinned boyishly.

“This was my classic move in high school. It was pretty lame back then,” he admitted.

The corners of her mouth turned upward. “It’s still pretty lame.” But she allowed his arm to remain, enjoying the warmth, the weight of it across her shoulders. She missed this, the solid press of a man’s body against hers. Content, she rested against him and allowed her senses to soak him in.

She had almost walked away. Almost gotten in her car and driven back to the hotel. With Drew gone, there had been no reason to stay. Except for the fact that she wanted to. Then Gabe had taken her hand, asked her to stay…with him. For a moment, she’d thought her heart would jump right out of her chest. Could there be any stronger aphrodisiac than a man pleading for your presence?

He adjusted his arm over her shoulder, shifted his body, tucking her against his side.

“My next move would be to try and cop a feel.” Gabe flexed his fingers.

Reaching up, Beth snagged those fingers when he teasingly stretched them downward and slanted him a narrow-eyed warning. “Care to find out what my next move would be?”

Laughing, he took her hand, turned it slightly and ran his thumb over her ring finger. “Is there a man waiting for you at home?”

“No,” she answered, surprised—and pleased—by the bluntness of the question. “I’m widowed.”