Ed got down on the ground and slid under the sedan.

“Guys, seriously! Seriously, this is not good!” Felix wailed.

“I'll thin them out,” Nerit assured Felix. She raised her rifle and began to fire at the less mutilated, more dangerous zombies.

Jenni watched with fascination as the zombies went down one by one. A plume of blood, brains and bone would erupt out the back of their skulls, then they would crumple to the ground.

Felix also began to fire at the growing crowd of zombies. The reality of the new world was that a small group of zombies was manageable, but too many swarming together was hard to survive.

Jenni pulled out her handgun from its holster and aimed at the remains of a mechanic shambling toward her. It didn't have much of a face left, but its tongue flicked out between its stained, broken teeth.

Mikey's torn face flashed across her vision…

Jenni shook her head, trying to shake the memory away.

“Kill it Jenni!”

She forced herself to focus and looked back at the zombie. It was Lloyd, her dead abusive husband, lurching toward her. His mouth was open to utter that terrible zombie moan and his shirt was covered in the blood of her children.

Join us, Jenni, Lloyd's voice whispered.


“Fuck you, Lloyd,” Jenni growled. She fired. The bullet sheared off the top of his head.

Lloyd swayed on his feet for a second, then collapsed at her feet.

Jenni lifted her foot and slammed it down on the zombie's head for good measure a few times.

“Who the hell is Lloyd? Did you know that zombie?” Felix yelled.

Jenni ignored him and looked down at the zombie that was no longer her husband, but some pathetic mechanic. She raised her gaze and lifted her gun to fire into the group of zombies nearing her.

“Let's go! Done here!” Bill called out.

Jenni and Felix began to draw back toward the mini-bus. Nerit disappeared into it, only to reappear at a window. She slid it down so she could provide cover.

Bill jogged around the back of the mini-bus and headed toward the open door. More zombies were appearing now. They were being drawn by the gunfire. Jenni reloaded her weapon as Felix backed toward her. Ed fired up the engine.

“You first,” Jenni told Felix.

“I'd say ladies first, but-” Felix ducked into the bus.

Jenni slowly backed up toward the open door. She was almost to safety.

A little boy around Benji's age walked into view. He trailed behind the other zombies, then spotted Jenni. With a small cry, he lifted his hands. His small fingers reached for her.

Let him bite you. Die and join us.

An uncomfortable tightness gripped her throat. She wanted to scream. She stumbled backwards and gasped. The little boy wasn't just Benji's age, he was Benji! He had found her. He was coming for her. His fingers were reaching for her so he could claim her.

His tiny fingers reached for her…strained for her…

Bill grabbed Jenni around the waist and dragged her up into the bus.

Jenni didn't fight him as she stared transfixed at Benji. The doors snapped shut.

“It's Benji,” Jenni gasped.