“No, it's not,” Nerit said sharply. “It's not him. ”


“Who's Benji?” Felix was completely bewildered.

Bill set Jenni down firmly in a seat. “Jenni, it's not him. It's not Benji. ”

“But…” She couldn't look away from Benji's tiny zombified form and his searching fingers. He was reaching toward her, wanting her to go to him. “He's coming for me. ”

Yes, he is. Get off the bus. Embrace him. Join us, Lloyd's voice urged.

Nerit grabbed Jenni's chin and forced her to look away. “It's not him, Jenni. It's not him. Look away. Close your eyes. Don't look, because it's not him. ”

She finally tore her gaze away from the small dead boy and squeezed her eyes shut. She felt the terrible fear that had gripped her slowly begin to release. She took in a shuddering breath. Finally, she looked back out the window.

The zombie wasn't Benji. It wasn't even a little boy. It was a tween girl in a torn nightgown.

Lloyd had tricked her. Anger flashed through her and she felt it burn away the last vestiges of her paralysis.

“Sorry,” she murmured.

Ed shifted gears and the min-bus lurched forward.

“It's okay,” Nerit assured her. She gently rubbed Jenni's back. “It's okay. It was just a bad moment. ”

“What just happened? 'cause I'm very confused. ”

“Felix, it's over. That's all that matters,” Bill said calmly.

The bus rumbled on. Ed would take an indirect route back to the fort to avoid leading the zombies to their safe haven.

Jenni felt reality slipping back into place around her and the morning of the first day began to recede into her memories. Her children were gone. Maybe their bodies sill roamed the earth, but the spark that had made them human was gone.

Jenni looked up at Nerit, who was still gently rubbing her back trying to calm her. “I'm sorry I'm crazy. ”

“Honey, we are all crazy,” Nerit assured her.

“That's the truth,” Felix agreed.

“I ain't been sane in a long time,” Ed said in a grim tone.

“Ya'll speak for yourselves. ” Bill grinned. “I'm as sane as they come in a zombie infested world. ”

Nerit smacked him upside the head. “Liar. ”

Bill laughed. He was obviously trying to break the somber mood.

Jenni lowered her head into her hands. Concentrating on the rocking of the bus, she slowly regained her composure. “I'm so embarrassed,” she said at last.

“It's all right. We're all fine. That is what teamwork is for. We take care of each other. ” Nerit touched Jenni's cheek lightly.

“Besides, how many times have you saved our lives? We just returned the favor. ”

“And no need to tell anyone about this,” Ed said. His tone implied something the others had not even considered.

“The Vigilante?” Jenni queried.

“Shit,” Felix swore. “He killed Jimmy for freaking out. ”