“Because this won’t be the last time someone breaks the


Curtis said in a morose tone.

“We are civilized people. We need to remember that,” Travis finally said.

The arguing people around them fell into silence at the sound of his voice. Travis rubbed his chin slowly and thoughtfully. He looked up at all the faces surrounding him.

“What do you want, Travis?” Juan’s voice had a hard edge to it, but he couldn’t help it. He was pissed off. He couldn’t imagine how Travis was feeling. The need to protect the women they loved was a trait they shared.

“Yeah, Travis,” Peggy said. “What do you want to do?”

Travis lowered his hand, and sighed. “My inclination is to feed both of them to the zombies, but that isn’t the right thing to do. ”

“Hey, I’m fine with feeding them to the zombies,” Lenore answered.

“Me, too,” Ken chimed in next to her.

“He is a danger to this fort as a whole,” Eric said firmly. “He can’t be trusted. ”

“I think this discussion should be handled in a more discreet setting,” Manny, the Mayor, said as he joined the group.

People fell silent as he moved to the center of the crowd. The Mayor had been sick for days and his health was waning. He had suffered a heart attack a few years back and he was without his medication now. He was a fading figure in the politics of the fort, but he had the respect of many in the town. He was known for being amiable, good-natured, and a peacemaker. All the things that had helped him keep the peace with a cantankerous city council and opinionated townsfolk worked against him in the new world. He was not a fighter, he was not a firm hand; he was the kindly uncle who just wanted everyone to get along. Despite the anger in the lobby, people still respected him.

Juan thought Manny was right. The discussion needed to be taken elsewhere before the crowd became a mob, but the Mayor’s breed of leadership wasn’t going to help in this situation. Manny would look for a compromise. Juan didn’t have the desire to throw down with the Mayor in front of everyone, so he shrugged and looked at Travis.

“I’m willing to discuss this in a more calm setting,” his friend finally said.

“Good. Bill, Curtis, Juan, Peggy, and Travis, please join me in my office. ” The crowd murmured, but seemed somewhat satisfied.

Smiling like a true politician, Manny shook the hands of a few people as he made his way back through the crowd.

Juan followed, his agitation settling into his shoulders. He felt tense and angry and he glanced over toward Travis. If he felt wired up, he was sure Travis was worse. But, regardless of the situation, his friend looked surprisingly calm. Only the tension in his neck gave away his internal turmoil.

“It’s going to be okay, man,” Juan assured him.

“I keep telling myself that,” Travis answered grimly.

A few people patted Travis on the shoulder as he passed by them.

“We’re behind you on this, Travis,” Eric said.

“I say we throw him over the wall!” Lenore said loudly again.

Juan sighed and shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he walked toward the office. Tonight was a bitch and only bound to get worse.


Travis entered the office and looked around the room. The Mayor, looking very ill, was already hunched down in a chair in the corner while Peggy spritzed the air with Lysol. Bill and Curtis took their places in deep leather chairs. Juan flopped onto a couch while Travis leaned against the wall.

“So, are we throwing them over the wall?” Juan asked.

Bill looked up and shook his head. “Phillip and Shane are both sticking to their story that Katie asked Shane for sex and Travis assaulted them. ”

“That's bullshit,” Travis muttered.

“Yeah. But they are corroborating each others stories,” Bill answered.