“And I'm corroborating Katie's. I saw what Shane was trying to do!” Travis felt his temper rising. “She was fighting him!”

Manny coughed and wheezed, then said, “Shane and Phillip have been invaluable to this community with their salvaging expeditions.

We need to take that into consideration. ”

“They also tried to rape Katie,” Travis snapped.

“And Shane beat her up that day for shooting his brother when he got chewed up by a zombie,” Peggy added. “She was doing us all a favor before he turned. ”

“He's shit on our heels,” Curtis said in a low voice.

“He deserves some sort of due process,” Bill said firmly.

“He deserves to be chunked over the wall!” Juan exclaimed. “There is no fucking due process anymore. You even said that! The world ended. All that is in the past!”

“C’mon now, Juan. We can’t be going off all half-cocked and pissed off and start chunking people over the wall. You know that,”

Bill said sternly.

Peggy sighed heavily. “Yet, we're the ones that everyone looks at to make it better. Bill, those people out there expect us to do something.

You especially. ”

“That doesn't give us the right to choose the fate of these men. ” Bill shook his head. “I don’t want that kinda of power. Do you?”

“Chunk them over the damn wall,” Juan repeated. “I’m willing to take that power. ”

Bill gave Juan a sharp, thoughtful look. Travis reached out to calm his friend down. The last thing Juan needed to do was draw even more suspicion on himself.

“They do expect us to do something,” Peggy said. “All those people out in the lobby expect you-“ she pointed to the Mayor, and then Bill “-to do something. ”

“They think he’s guilty,” Manny said in a soft voice. “I can’t condemn a man just because there is a consensus by a lot of angry people that he did something wrong. ”

“You have to believe Katie,” Travis protested. “You have to believe us. You know those guys are trouble. ”

“They are entitled to some sort of due process, Travis,” Bill said determinedly. “Whatever the hell that is. I’m not even sure anymore, but we gotta come up with something. ”

Curtis snorted. “They gave that up when they attacked Katie. ”

“And who makes that choice?” Bill looked around the room. “When did we decide that? And by ‘we,' I mean the whole damn fort. I thought we were trying to make a new civilization for ourselves, not chaos. I do not want that much power. The power to put a man over the wall because a bunch of people believe he did something wrong. ”

Travis winced at his words and rubbed his hands over his face trying to focus himself and not let his deep anger overwhelm him.

Peggy sighed and fumbled with her collar nervously. “I won't feel comfortable if they stay here. ”

“But they do contribute to our society as a whole,” Manny interjected. “They've brought us many supplies. We have food to eat because they risked their lives to bring it back into the fort. They are not bad men. Maybe stupid, but not ba-”

“Manny, rape is bad! Okay! It’s bad. Stop being an idiot,” Peggy snapped.

The Mayor winced and drew back in his chair. Before he could answer, the door opened unexpectedly.

Calhoun shuffled in with his camera. “I am now filming a top secret city council meeting that was not announced in the public notices. I am filming all conspirators-”

“Gawddammit, Calhoun,” Curtis exclaimed. “This is not a city council meeting. ”

“And it's not top secret,” Peggy added. “The Mayor announced it in the lobby. ”

“The city secretary speaks. She is devious and the secret power of this town. She controls the Mayors as they come in and out of office.