She is the one that sets the true agenda. Now Peggy, the Amazonian who controls all we see, speaks-”

“Gawddammit, Calhoun, anyone worth their salt knows the true power in small town Texas is the city secretary,” Peggy responded.

“Shit, it’s the big joke when I go to Austin with all the city secretaries for election school. Most of them don’t even see the Mayor except for when they phone ‘em up to sign paperwork. Manny wasn't in the office but for a few hours each damn day. So stop jabbering about what everyone knows!”

Calhoun looked speechless, then turned the camera toward himself.

“I now have her full confession of an Amazonian take over of all the small towns in Texas…except the messed up clones did it first. ”

“I so give up on him,” Peggy drawled out and threw out one hand.

“Someone else deal with the ol’ coot. ”

“Calhoun, we’re just discussing what happened tonight,” Travis said. “Why don’t you just sit down, film it, and keep quiet?”

Calhoun turned and aimed the camera at his face. “…is the man who beat the alien-possessed men into submission. I have yet to determine if he is human or not…As this top secret meeting continues-”

“It’s not top secret!” Peggy looked ready to bust a blood vessel.

“Then if it is not top secret, you won't mind us attending,” Steven Mann said from behind Calhoun, dragging his wife Blanche with him.

“We do have a say in these proceedings. ”

Blanche drew away from her husband and took a chair far away from Calhoun. She smoothed out her silk dress and crossed her legs.

“We have always had a say in the town's politics. My sister is a state senator. ”

“And we feel Shane and Phillip are valuable resources to our community,” Steven added.

“So the rumors that they went out to ya'll's place and snagged some of ya'll's goodies is true, huh?” Curtis' eyes were very cold and fierce.


“What?” Travis blinked.

“We need essentials to survive. ” Blanche waved her hand as if to dismiss any argument. “They were kind enough to secure them. ” She frowned as Calhoun zoomed in on her face and shoved him away with one foot.

Manny looked shocked. “But we said that all the runs into town were for supplies, not for personal reasons. We swore that to everyone who wanted to go home and get their things. ”

“We’re not just anyone, Manny,” Blanche said with a light laugh.

“I paid them for their time,” Steven added.

“…a full confession is caught on tape…” Calhoun muttered, circling Steven.

Travis felt his anger growing once more. He turned toward Steven and said in a harsh voice, “People die on the supply runs. We’ve lost good people to the zombies. Going all the way out to your fucking ranch for your personal stuff-”

“It was necessary,” Blanche cut him off.

“We can’t go around risking people’s lives just so you can sit pretty,” Juan retorted.

Travis shook his head. “Look, this is tough enough without you coming in here and spouting off about what good goons Phil and Shane are. Lord knows how many lives they put at risk going out there into the deadlands to get your fancy shit. ”

Manny rubbed his face with one hand. “This is not acceptable. ”

“No, what is not acceptable was that Katie woman obviously acting like a complete tart in the ballroom and it was obvious to all she was intoxicated,” Steven said in a tight, controlled voice. “I'm sure she did lead Shane on. ”

“What?” Travis stood up sharply. He was close to losing his temper.