Calhoun whipped around to zoom in on Travis. Travis forced himself not to shove the old man away.

“I mean that dress…that awful dress…with such nice shoes,”

Blanche sniffed.

Juan moved to Travis' side. “Look, bitch, you have no right to say-“

“Shane is a good man and she is smearing his name in an effort to get him thrown over the wall,” Steven said, cutting off Juan’s comment.

Travis took a step forward and Juan grabbed his arm. He was sure he was looking furious if Juan felt the need to rein him in. And he was furious, beyond furious. He had been trying to be rational, but he was not going to be able to keep from punching Steven in the mouth if the man kept it up.

Manny looked at Bill and said, “There are conflicting stories. ”

“Yes, there are, but we should consider-” Bill started to answer.

“Just do a vote,” Peggy said simply.

“…the Amazonian speaks her words…” Calhoun narrated. “All fall silent to listen. ”

Blanche snorted.

“A vote?” Bill blinked.

“Just type up their statements and let everyone in the fort read them, then vote. ” Peggy looked determined, tired, and pissed off. “Let the people of the fort decide what to do. You’re saying you don’t want us with all the power. Fine. Give it back to the people. Let them decide. ”

“And what are the options for punishment?” Juan demanded.

“We could give them a car, weapons, ammo and food and set them on their way if guilty,” Bill offered.

Curtis shook his head. “Why waste our supplies on criminals?”

“Because it’s humane,” Bill retorted.

“And what is the other option? Letting them go?” Travis could feel Juan’s grip tightening on his arm. Travis was so overwhelmed with emotion, he wasn’t sure what the hell he wanted other than Katie safe.

“Of course,” Steven and Blanche chorused.

“With a restraining order against him to steer clear of Katie,” Bill added.

“So basically Katie's safety is dependent on how people vote,”

Travis said with frustration. He wasn’t sure if he liked that idea or not. It made him feel helpless.

“I say we dump them over the wall,” Juan said firmly.

“Let our vigilante do it,” Peggy said with a sigh. “I’m sure Shane is on his list now. ”

“I have round the clock guards on that holding cell,” Bill said.

“They are not going over the wall. ”

“So we vote,” Peggy said again.

Manny nodded. “That sounds fair to me. ”

“Well, I'm not certain we want all sorts of people voting on this, Manny,” Steven said sharply.

“I think everyone old enough to understand should vote,” Peggy retorted. “You can't count people out because they are not your version of the right sort of people. ”