Varra wagged her head. “There are plenty of technologies to keep humans alive. Many of the vampire masters across the world have been preparing for the coming night.”

Jeb nodded in agreement. “Except for Cian, of course. He should be creating vampires to police the humans in Austin, hoarding food, setting up hydroponic gardens, moving cattle to secure locations...but instead he has you two sitting in a fuckin’ Denny’s in Waco flappin’ your jaws with old information.”

“They’re mocking you,” Roberto’s disembodied voice whispered to Samantha, both annoyed and amused.

Amaliya muttered, “Assholes.”

The waitress appeared long enough to set down a glass of soda and a steaming cup of coffee. She gave them all a curious, yet disdainful look, before moving on to another table.

Varra leaned over her purse and stared into Samantha’s eyes. “Do you really believe the supernaturals will help you? They’re going to finally be able to come out of the darkness and live freely once The Summoner succeeds.”

Samantha pounded her fist on the table, rattling the coffee cups and glasses. “The creatures of the abyss will come through. You do realize that, right? Demons!” she hissed. She felt the other customers looking her way, but didn’t care.

Jeb laughed. “It’ll be great. The humans will need vampires to hold back the demons. Vampires will be their saviors. They’ll open their veins willingly for protection against the creatures of the abyss.”

Nodding in agreement, Varra said, “Governments will plead with the supernaturals for assistance once they realize their militaries are useless. Science will be obsolete as magic takes its place.”

“You do realize that if your masters don’t change you, you’re fucked?” Amaliya glared at the two human minions. “Who’s to say they won’t fuck you over?”

Jeb and Varra exchanged glances. They both chuckled.

“We threw our lots in with vampires who understand how this world works,” Varra said, her voice dripping with scorn. “Nicole suspected you’d have nothing new to say. I see she was right. This has been a waste of time.”

“Cian’s playing hero when he should be doing exactly what Courtney has been since he first told her about The Summoner’s plan.” Jeb shrugged his wide shoulders. “Maybe you two should tell him that. You’re wasting time spinning your wheels against something you can’t stop.”

“We are going to stop him one way or the other,” Samantha hissed. She was furious at how easily they were being dismissed.

“After The Summoner is dead, I’ll be the only necro-vampire left,” Amaliya said in a low voice. “And I’ll fuckin’ remember this night.”

Samantha visibly shivered as Amaliya’s power rippled outward. It was cold, full of fury, and ready to strike. Nervously, she set her hand on Amaliya’s forearm. Their connection flared to life. Amaliya’s anger licked along the connection, pulling on Samantha’s own high emotions. Instead of steadying Amaliya, Samantha felt sucked into the vampire’s vortex of rage.

The two humans across from the table were very still. Samantha was happy to see fear registering on their faces. Instead of being dismissive, they looked uncomfortable.

“Yeah, you heard me, shit-stains. I’ll remember what you said tonight and the fuckin’ bitches you serve. When The Summoner is gone I will still be here and you’ll have to deal with me.” Amaliya glowered at the two humans.

“You can’t do jack shit to us. We’re under a peace pact,” Jeb said, trying to sound calm, but failing.

“Maybe not tonight, but some night.” Amaliya pointed at him. “Trust me on this.”

Samantha willed Roberto to smack Jeb in the back of the head. She was still working on her telepathic links, but when Jeb exclaimed out loud, jerked, and twisted about in his seat, Samantha grinned.

“What was that?” Jeb gasped.

“What?” Samantha asked innocently.

Varra slid to her feet. “We’re leaving.”

Amaliya virtually shoved Samantha out of the booth, moving swiftly to confront Varra. Samantha frowned, but quickly stepped to Amaliya’s side, trying to be supportive.

“You might think you have the upper hand and that we’re doomed, but keep this in mind. Even if we fail, even if the veil drops, I will come for you. I don’t give a rat’s ass who your masters are. You’re turning your backs on humanity.” Amaliya’s voice was low, clipped, and dangerous.

Everyone in the restaurant was watching now. Jeb’s jaw was dropped, his white teeth gleaming in the fluorescent light.

Varra’s cool exterior started to crumble, her jaw tightening. “I’m doing what I have to in order to survive. You should understand that.”

“I understand that you’re traitors. That’s what I’m hearing.”

Stepping closer, Varra whispered, “Do you really think you can defeat him?” Her dark eyes searched Amaliya’s for the truth.