Amaliya didn’t answer immediately, which made Samantha very nervous.

“I’ll die trying,” Amaliya said at last.

Varra’s scornful look returned. “I thought so.”

“I can trip her,” Roberto’s voice suggested to Samantha.

Narrowing her eyes, Samantha said, “Fine. Be a total moron. Just remember we warned you.”

Twirling about, Varra stormed toward the exit, her guard rising to follow. She stumbled, nearly falling into him. Catching her, the guard looked around nervously, then they both hurried out the exit.

Amaliya glanced at Samantha, lifting an eyebrow.

Samantha smiled innocently.

Jeb scooted out of the booth. Hesitantly, he set his hands on his belt and stared at the two women. “I can try talking to Courtney, but she thinks this game is over. Honestly, so do I.”

“If she’d stand with us, we’d have a better shot,” Samantha said swiftly, hoping he was swaying to their side.

Lifting his shoulders, Jeb said, “Maybe. Or it would be a fast way to die. Courtney wants to survive. She’s not going to sacrifice herself for humanity. Like all the other vampires, she’s aiming to be ready for when the veil falls and not get on The Summoner’s bad side.”

“Well, you tell her she’s now on Amaliya’s bad side.” Samantha set her hands on her hips. “And Amaliya is a total bitch. I mean, like a total raging bitch.”

Tilting her head, Amaliya said, “She’s right.”

Swallowing visibly, Jeb said, “I’ll talk to Courtney...”

“Yeah, do that.” Samantha tried to look as threatening as Amaliya, and wondered if she was doing it right.

Jeb twisted about and stalked toward the door. His guard slid out of his booth and followed. Amaliya stormed toward the cash register, fishing her wallet out of her jean pocket. She never carried a purse. Samantha remembered her own and hurried to yank it off the floor beneath the table. While Amaliya paid, Samantha kept an eye on the entrance. Just a few months before she would have been scared out of her mind doing something like this, but now she was much more confident.

Amaliya checked her iPhone after paying the surly waitress and quickly tapped in a message. Samantha scanned her own messages. It was like Cian and Jeff were tag-teaming her phone.

“What did you tell him?” Samantha asked when they headed toward the exit.

“That I’m going to kill Courtney and Nicole and their cabals,” Amaliya answered tersely.

“Cool.” Samantha shoved open the door. “After you.”

Chapter 20

Amaliya didn’t feel like talking on the return trip to Austin, but the perky blonde driving wouldn’t shut up. Maybe it was her nerves getting the best of her, but Samantha rambling on endlessly was making her feel twitchy. Feet propped on the dashboard, Amaliya scrutinized her chipped toenail polish. She was still pissed off. It was nauseating how easily the supernatural world capitulated to The Summoner. She wasn’t naive. The only reason they were afraid of her was because she was a necro-vampire made in The Summoner’s image.

“I’m so sick of this shit,” Amaliya said, interrupting Samantha. She realized after she spoke that she hadn’t even registered what Samantha had been talking about.

There was a beat, then Samantha said, “Yeah. Me, too.”

“You know, my kind really sucks it.”

“Well, you are blood-sucking vampires. You’re not supposed to be the good guys.” Samantha flashed a teasing smile, then sobered when she saw Amaliya’s expression. “I’m kidding.”

“But you’re right. We’re not supposed to be the good guys. I hated hearing them mock Cian. He’s the only one with the freakin’ balls to stand up to The Summoner and they’re making fun of him.” Twisting the ends of her hair with her fingers, Amaliya gazed into the night slipping past the car.

“Cian’s a good guy. I always knew that. That’s why I loved him. That’s why I’m still his friend.” Samantha’s voice didn’t hold a hint of malice.

It was a relief that they had put animosity behind them. Of course, Amaliya still felt guilt over the chaos she had brought to the lives of the people she now stood on the front lines with in the battle against The Summoner. Bringing him into their lives was much worse than sleeping with Cian when he was still with Samantha. Sometimes she wondered how any of them forgave her.