The phas

magus’s pallid pallor was abruptly altered to bright red.

“She’s giving you a hard time,” Amaliya assured Samantha.

“I just like my sexy times to be with only Jeff,” Samantha muttered.

“It’ll be fine.” Amaliya sat up, crossed her legs, and took Samantha’s hand.

Instantly, their magic intermingled, darkness and light. Both women promptly relaxed, their earlier prickliness dissipating.

“See,” Aimee said triumphantly. “Complimentary.”

“What’s in the basket?” Amaliya asked.

“Things to make it less sexy,” Aimee said, her gaze amused, her tone mocking.

“I’m all for that.” Samantha perked up significantly.

When the witch withdrew a dagger and chalice, Samantha deflated. Amaliya didn’t care how they exchanged blood. She could quickly heal. It would be more painful for the human with the dagger than with Amaliya’s sharp teeth.

“I’ll leave it up to you, Samantha.” Amaliya offered her an encouraging smile.

Closing her eyes and thrusting out her arm, Samantha said, “Bite me, bitch.”

The kitchen smelled of magic and some awful human food. Cian tried to block out the stench and concentrate on the human seated across from him at the kitchen table. Jeff’s nervousness was obvious. He kept running his hands through his hair and avoiding direct eye contact with Cian. To unnerve the mortal further, the vampire sat with his arms folded across his chest, head slightly tilted, and his legs stretched out in front of him and crossed at the ankles. Cian was feeling agitated and Jeff’s hem-hawing around the topic he wanted to discuss wasn’t helping his mood.

“ I’m trying to keep focused on keeping the group unified, you know?” Jeff was saying.

Cian inclined his head.

The house was empty. Cassandra, Baptiste, and Eduardo were patrolling the city, checking all the perimeter spells, while Benchley was visiting Alexia at the electronic command center at Cian’s home. Cian could clearly see Amaliya, Samantha, and Aimee through the windows. The three women were seated on the lawn and having an animated conversation. He’d rather be hunting than dealing with Jeff, but the man was anxious to talk to him.

“...and so that’s why Samantha needs Roberto.”

“What?” Cian’s attention snapped back to Jeff.

“Samantha needs a ghostly minion,” Jeff said, obviously repeating himself. “Because she needs someone to help her with the ghosts.”

“And she wants to recruit Roberto’s ghost?” Cian’s emotions were immediately mixed. Roberto had been a close companion for years and someone he had relied upon until Roberto had betrayed him to The Summoner. He did miss the old camaraderie he shared with Roberto for many years, but the anger he felt over his betrayal could not be so easily assuaged in the glow of fond memories.

“Well, she knows him. And Roberto will most likely want revenge on The Summoner. The Summoner did almost obliterate his ghost to infuse himself into Bianca’s body.” Jeff finally looked Cian directly in the eyes. The earnestness in his gaze did little to soften Cian’s reluctance.

“Did you consider, Jeff, that he may also want revenge on Amaliya for killing him?”

Wincing, Jeff inclined his head. “Yeah...maybe. But if he agrees to help, Samantha will hold authority over him. He’ll be totally dependent on her.”

Cian didn’t blink as he continued to stare at Jeff. “And you think this is a wise idea?”

“Samantha is a phasmagus who has yet to totally manifest her powers. She needs this help. We need her at full power.” Jeff waved his hand at the whiteboard. “The Summoner has anywhere from nine to eleven of the rings. It’s almost October. We’re running out of time, Cian.”

Returning his attention to the women outside, Cian saw Amaliya resting on the ground gazing up at the stars. A pang of sorrow surprised him. For a moment he wanted to rush outside and lay next to her. It had been so long since they’d had a quiet moment to just enjoy the night. For a short period of time after they had first gotten together, they’d spent hours sitting outside on the balcony of their penthouse apartment, smoking cigarettes and talking. It had been incredibly peaceful. He longed for those nights again. Perhaps it was inevitable that to return to a more halcyon existence he would have to make deals with devils.

“You’re not asking my permission to do this, are you?” Cian shifted in his chair. He was amused when Jeff started.

Jeff wagged his head. “No. Not really. It’s Samantha’s choice, you know. In the end. It’s her power. Her life. We won’t even see him unless she decides to let him manifest. His entire existence will be tied to her.” Once the words left Jeff’s mouth, his demeanor significantly altered. Cian recognized his look immediately. It was of a man who realized he didn’t have control over the situation either.

“Point well made. I will support Samantha’s decision then.” Cian cleared his throat. “Is that all?”