“Look, bitch-face, I’m right on this. Okay? Trust me.”

“Fine,” Amaliya grunted. “But I’m so not happy with this. The first time he does anything that I think even hints at betrayal, I will find a way to banish him.”


The witch looked back and forth between them. “Are we done?”

Amaliya curtly nodded her head while Samantha rolled her eyes.

“As I was saying, you two are unique. The Summoner created a new type of necro-vamp when he made you, Amaliya. You created a new type of phasmagus when you gave Samantha your blood. The old rules aren’t going to apply. That’s why you have to shed blood to raise the dead and Samantha is struggling to reach the dead. There’s an imbalance going on.” Aimee flipped through the pages of her book. “I think we’ve been looking at this the wrong way.”

“I’m listening,” Amaliya said, attempting to not sound bitchy.

“It’s all about the blood. You’re still a vampire at the core of all your power. When vampires feed off each other, they are infused with the other vampire’s blood. Sometimes they can use the other vampire’s power to enhance their own.”

“Cian doesn’t get my necromancy from drinking from me,” Amaliya observed.

“That’s because you’re not a normal vampire. But you’re stronger when you feed from him, right?”

Amaliya considered this, then nodded. “Yeah. I get the ability to fly after feeding from him a lot.”

Aimee set her hands on the open pages, bright specks of magic stirring under her palms. “Therefore, I’m going to ask a simple question.” She looked first to Amaliya and then to Samantha. “Amaliya, have you drunk from Samantha since her transformation?”

“Eww, no.” Samantha flinched at the idea.

The question surprised Amaliya, but it also made an immense amount of sense all at once. “No, I haven’t.”

“I think you need to drink her blood. And she probably needs more of yours. I have a feeling Samantha is in mid-transition. Not fully a phasmagus. Also, you two are connected. Once Samantha has all her abilities, she will be able to instantly attune to the dead.” Aimee’s gaze shifted back and forth between them. “I think once Samantha is at full power, it will allow you to be at full power, too.”

That surprised Amaliya. “You don’t think I’m at full power?”

Aimee shook her head. “Not yet. Maybe if The Summoner had kept giving you his blood you would be, but he abandoned you and your connection with him dimmed. When you accidently made Samantha into a phasmagus, I think your connection with her kinda took his place. Your powers feed each other. They’re complimentary. I’ve been doing a bit of experimentation with the blood both of you gave me. When used together, the results are always much stronger.”

“So I have to drink her blood. And she has to drink mine?” Samantha gave Amaliya a revolted expression. “That’s all sorts of gross.”

“Maybe,” Aimee said. “But once at full power Amaliya may be able to summon the dead without spilling her blood on cemetery graves. She may be able to pull them straight out of the earth like The Summoner.”

Falling onto her back, Amaliya stared up at the night sky. “Fuck me. That would be brilliant.”

“That would be...good.” Samantha’s voice was hesitant.

Amaliya felt a little overwhelmed. Aimee’s words rang true. Her magic was always lashing out, trying to find stability. With Samantha, she felt more focused and powerful. Whenever she was around The Summoner, she felt her magic responding to his, which was quite dangerous.

The witch sat in silence, waiting for one of them to say something more.

Amaliya rolled over to face her, one hand cupping her head. “Will this help with the blood bond?”

With a sad look, Aimee gave her head a little shake. “He’ll still be a huge magnet to you, but it may help lessen his hold a little. All my experiments failed. You’re infused with his power and blood. I can’t remove that without killing you.”

“We should do it,” Samantha said abruptly. “We need to do it. There’s no room for discussion. I need my powers. You need yours.”

Amaliya observed the blonde’s pensive face and sympathized. They had started off as adversaries and were now friends. Their magic demanded even more of them now, and it was a little frightening. It was another form of commitment. Up until recently Amaliya had run away at the mere hint of committing to anything.

“It might get all sexy,” Amaliya teased.

Samantha’s face paled a little. “Eww.”

“Aw, it’s fun getting all sexy with another girl,” Aimee said with a sly look.