It was the picture Einstein had snuck to try to find out who Elle was.
That smile . . .
Goddamn firefly.
“I could’ve been what he needed to help him ou
t of the dark,” Einstein murmured, her voice dragging.
I turned, my gaze snapping to Einstein. “What’d you just say?”
Maverick slanted a glare at me, and Einstein lifted her head, her bloodshot eyes blinking slowly. “Johnny. He said it was dark in his head and sometimes he didn’t know how to find a way out.”
Maverick whispered something to her, and no sooner had her head rolled back to his chest than her eyes closed and her breathing evened out.
“You good?” I asked.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he said softly, burrowing down against the headboard.
I watched for another second before pulling my attention to Diggs and Libby, my brows pulling together. “Let’s go talk.”
As soon as we got out into the living room, I said, “I need to go take care of what Einstein was trying to warn me about. When I get back, we’ll figure out a plan to put all this Holloway shit to bed for good. If Einstein wakes up before I get back, make her eat. Now that . . .” I gestured back toward Einstein’s room, but Libby spoke before I could continue.
“Let him be there for her.”
“Johnny’s been in the ground for about four hours,” I reminded her.
“He’s not doing anything,” Diggs mumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets as he turned to go sit on the couch.
“Maverick’s been in love with Einstein forever, Dare,” Libby said, her voice soft. “You ever notice he’s near her if they’re in the same room, even when Johnny was? And he was always there for her whenever Johnny went dark, but he’s not acting on anything. He knows she loved Johnny.”
I ran my hands through my hair and over my face, groaning as I did. “Where was I when all this happened?”
Libby shrugged. “Holding everything together.”
Even after six years working together, it never stopped being fucking creepy the way he was able to materialize from the shadows.
He didn’t say anything, just stood there with his arms tensed at his sides, waiting to see what my first move would be.
“Mickey’s having you watched. Closely.”
“I know.”
I rolled my eyes. Of course he did. “If you already know why, tell me now so I don’t waste my time.” I took his silence as his response, and said, “He thinks you’re the reason behind Teagan getting away.”
“I am.”
“Well, he fucking knows,” I bit out.
Kieran folded his arms over his chest and let loose a slow breath. “You made it clear we were done the other night, so why are you trying to warn me about Mickey?”
“We are done,” I confirmed. “But Einstein refuses to finish something that isn’t completed, which means she’s still watching Mickey’s every move. And he’s about to pin you for messing up his plans the way he was plotting to pin Aric.”
“Again, why are you—?”
“I’m warning you because it’s the only apology you’ll get from me,” I ground out. “When all this is over, I’m never letting Lily go again.”
Something so evil filled his hardened stare.