I’d seen that look paralyze men with fear before he slit their throats. For some, their hearts had even stopped beating before his blade had come in contact with them.

Just like Deadly Nightshade.

He clenched his teeth as he swore, “I will make your death slow and unbearable if you try to take her.”

I huffed a laugh, though I knew he meant every word. “She’s not yours anymore. I know you love her, so you shouldn’t want her to be forced to continue a life where she’s miserable.”

It was low . . . I knew it the second the words slipped from my mouth. But it didn’t take away from the shock of seeing Kieran look like I’d just annihilated him.

I rubbed at my jaw and let loose a sigh. “Look, stop giving Mickey a reason to have you followed, and don’t get in my way. You brought me into this, and now I’m ending it.”

There wasn’t a response from where he stood, silently seething. Not that I expected one.

“Have Beck bring Lily to my house when Mickey goes into work on Monday.”

“You’ve lost your goddamn mind if you think I’m delivering her to you.”

One of my eyebrows ticked up. “You’re not. You’re getting her somewhere safe where Mickey can’t find her. He only knows about the main house—he doesn’t know where I live. He’s going to be ready to tear the world apart when he sees what I’ve done. Think about what he’ll do to Lily when he realizes his last chance at keeping his blood in power of Holloway has turned her back on Holloway completely.” I turned to leave when Kieran’s expression fell but paused when he spoke.

“And this is coming from someone who wanted to kill her just last week.”

I didn’t try to deny or explain it, because he already knew it all. Just like he must’ve known it took me nearly this long to realize her name and those eyes would never be able to keep me from her.

“I’ll beg you to slit my throat before I hurt her.”

His mouth curled into the cruelest grin, and his eyes flashed. “You won’t have to.”

For a moment, I wondered if this was what Kieran felt like. Waiting in the shadows, watching people go about their lives, completely unaware to your presence. But then I saw him tense. Only the slightest change in the way he was holding himself, his hand slowly creeping toward his pocket as his eyes scoured the room. And then I wondered how a human being could be so damn silent.

His murderous eyes passed over me, the only indication he saw me was the pent-up breath he slowly released as he slipped the knife from his pocket, his head dipping in the slightest nod.

“Go get the men who were supposed to pick up Finn’s whore,” Mickey muttered as he sat at his desk and logged onto his computer. “They talked to someone, and I want to know who. I want to know where that girl is, and I want to make sure this colossal fuck-up won’t happen again.”

Kieran’s gaze snapped in my direction—the only warning he could give me—a second before he threw the knife at me, the blade imbedding in the wall just inches from where I stood.

I might’ve cursed if Mickey wasn’t already up and looking my way, his eyes cold and his lips twisted into a sneer.

“It won’t,” I assured him. When he reached for the gun at his hip, I raised mine higher. “I wouldn’t.”

I waited as Libby, Einstein, the twins, and a few of the older members stepped out from their places within Mickey’s office to surround him and Kieran, enjoying his growing frustration as our numbers grew.

“You have a lot of places to hide in here,” I said with a grin.

Mickey’s office building located in Raleigh seemed to fit him. It was loud, overstated, and dripped with dirty money. His office was even worse. It was like his own personal shrine for how amazing he thought he was.

But for a mob boss, it had been all too easy for his enemy to slip into the building and into his office.

“Security isn’t that great,” I added.

“You all have some pretty big balls showing up in costumes, kid,” he said with a laugh.

My grin widened. He and I both knew the bandana was a Borello tradition, just as he knew exactly who was standing in front of him.

Still, I lowered the piece of fabric so it hung around my neck. Shrugging when I did.

“Computer,” I muttered to Einstein, never taking my attention from Mickey. I took a step closer to him when she hurried to sit in the chair he’d just been occupying, her fingers flying over the keyboard. “Like I was saying . . . that colossal fuck-up won’t happen again, because your warped dream of selling and buying stolen women is over.”

Although his animalistic sneer didn’t fade, panic slowly rose in his eyes.