Their easy playfulness rapidly becoming something deeper. Nick continued to push against her, letting her feel his arousal. Then he raised a hand and stroked her face. Brushed a thumb over her lips.

“No,” she admitted. “You certainly don’t.”

“You’re beautiful.”

She stared back at him, ensnared in his gaze. “Thank you.”

Please, kiss me. I need—

His mouth covered hers and she whimpered, returning the kiss with equal hunger. Heaven. He was pure heaven, his heady scent and rich taste playing havoc with her hormones. Never before had a man owned her with a kiss like this one. As though he fully intended to possess every corner of her soul.

She wanted the contact to go on forever. Her vampire instincts surged to the fore, and she had to force down the desire to bite him. To claim her mate.


Suddenly he pushed back, breaking the kiss. His chest heaved and he stared at her as though he’d read her thoughts. Maybe he had, somehow. And if so, he seemed less than happy about what he’d seen.

“I shouldn’t have done that.”

Not too promising.

“In case you didn’t notice, I rather enjoyed it,” she pointed out.

“So did I, but . . .” He ran a hand through his jet-black hair. “Look, I need to get back. I’m not ditching you, it’s just that something tells me I’m needed.”

He sounded sincere and she breathed a small sigh of relief. “I’ll take you.”

“You don’t have to do that. My wolf can run fast.”

“My way is faster.” She held out a hand and waited. He hesitated only a second before placing his palm in hers. With a smile, she said, “Don’t let go of me.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

Shifters didn’t like traveling by translocation as a general rule. It tended to make many of them dizzy and sick to their stomachs. But there were times that it was the most expedient way to get where you were going.

Closing her eyes, she imagined the Pack’s compound and let her gift take them there. The flight lasted merely a few seconds and soon she felt solid earth under her shoes again. Looking around, she saw that they were in the grassy yard area in the back where the party had taken place.

Nick staggered a bit, then leaned over and rested his hands on his knees. “God, that sucks.”

“Are you all right?” She touched his shoulder.

“I will be.” Gradually he straightened and gave her a rueful smile. “At least my lunch didn’t make a reappearance.”

“Thank goodness for small favors.”


“Nick!” The commander glanced toward the back of the building to see one of his men jogging out the door.

“Micah, what’s wrong?”

Calla recognized the younger man with the scarred face as Micah Chase, Rowan’s brother. One side of his face was like melted wax from being tortured months ago while in captivity. The evil scientist who’d held him and many other shifters had poured molten silver on him, ensuring the tissue would never heal. She shoved down the stirring of pity, sensing the young wolf wouldn’t appreciate it.

“We got called out,” Micah said, jogging up. “Oh, hi, Princess Calla. Sorry to interrupt.”

“Just Calla, and no worries,” she assured him. Seemed Nick’s gut feeling that he needed to return had been spot-on.

“What type of call, and when did it come in?” Nick was all business now, standing straight and tall, his own problems forgotten. Every inch the Pack’s Alpha wolf.