“They died long ago, right after I reached puberty,” she said wistfully. “Even though there were so many dangers that existed back then from human hunters, rogue shifters, and other paranormal creatures, that’s not what got them. It was a simple accident. A log shifted and rolled from the hearth in the night and our little cottage went up in flames before we knew what was happening. They couldn’t get out.”

“I’m sorry.” Reaching out, he took her hand again, stroking her skin with his thumb.

A pang lanced her soul, but Nick’s hand wrapped around hers soothed it. “It’s all right. I’ve had centuries to make peace with their deaths. Tarron got me and Adrian out, and has been taking care of us ever since. Well, mostly me these days. Sometimes I think he takes his role of substitute father a bit too seriously,” she said to lighten the conversation.

“Let him. Family is everything, and at least he loves you.”

Something in his tone made her wonder, and she decided to probe a little. “What about your family? I was introduced to your daughter and her mate when your team stayed at the stronghold. Then I met your brother at the party, but I don’t know much about them.”

He sucked in a breath. “Selene and I are just getting to know each other again after many years apart. Things were rocky at first, but I think mating with Zan has really grounded her. They’re madly in love and I’m reaping some of the benefits of her softened attitude.”

“Why did you and Selene spend time apart?” She shook her head. “From your expression I’d say that’s upsetting to you. I’m sorry.”

“It’s all right. It’s a long story, but the short version is that when Selene was eleven years old I made a mistake and broke Pack law. As a result, my brother, Damien, who you met at the party, took Selene from me and cast me out of our Pack.”

“That’s terrible,” she said quietly. Her brain couldn’t wrap itself around the thought of being rejected by her own family. The sorrow of such an act would probably kill her.

His hand squeezed hers. “The horror I recently suffered at Carter’s hands doesn’t begin to compare to losing my child. Only the hope that we might know each other someday, that she might forgive me, kept me going. It seems we’re finally finding each other again.”

“I’m so glad. And Damien?”

His jaw clenched. “He’s an asshole. The bastard can rot in hell for all I care.”

This might not be a good time to mention the intense longing on Damien’s face as he’d observed Nick at the party. That his eyes had been filled with regret. Maybe once she and Nick were better acquainted, he’d be ready to hear it.

He went on before she could form a response. “We never had any other siblings, and our parents are dead also. My father was murdered by hunters thirty-five years ago, just before I met my mate, and my mother died of grief soon after.”

Mate? What effing mate? She cleared her throat. “I’m so sorry to hear that.”

“Thank you. It was a terrible time for the clan. My father was the Alpha, and was beloved by almost everyone. Damien took his place and there were the usual challenges to his leadership before he settled in.” He paused. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

She stopped walking and leaned her back against a tree, studying him. “You mentioned a mate. Am I going to find myself on the business end of some alpha bitch’s teeth and claws?”

He shook his head. “That mistake I mentioned before, the one that got me ousted from my Pack? My mate was killed as a result—by Carter Darrow. He saw an opportunity to come after me recently, and you know the rest.”

“Not entirely, but I won’t press you.”

“I appreciate that. I’m sure I’ll tell you the whole story one day, but not today.”

“I’m sorry about your mate,” she said sincerely. “What was her name, if you don’t mind my asking?”

His lips curved up just a bit, and his expression was fond. “Jennifer. A name as sweet and simple as the woman. I wasn’t looking for a mate, and one day she visited from a neighboring Pack. It was like being electrocuted.”

He got the strangest look on his face, and she cocked her head. “What?”

“Nothing. Anyway, that’s ancient history.”

Time to lighten the mood again. “Speaking of ancient, how old are you?”

He laughed, showing off those straight white teeth—complete with a couple of canines that were slightly longer than a human’s yet not as long as her own. The sight intrigued her.

“I’m two hundred sixteen. A mere baby next to you,” he teased, blue eyes dancing with mischief.

“Oooh, that was a low blow, wolf.” She narrowed her eyes, her tone playfully menacing. “Or should I say ‘pup’? Perhaps you’re too young and green to play with the grown-ups.”

“Pup?” A feral gleam lit his eyes, coupled with humor. Moving in swiftly, he pressed his big body against hers, palm braced above her head. “Do I seem like a pup to you?”

Bark dug into her back, and she relished the feel of his hard muscles surrounding her. The thump of his heart. And there was nothing humorous about the hard-on in his jeans.