"If the werewolf isn't a Gypsy, then why the rune?"

"I don't know. Rebirth points to shape-shifter. The swastika brings us back to the Nazis, and since we know they were creating werewolves with the blood of the Rom. . . "

"It's too much of a coincidence that you all wound up here on the eve of an eclipse. "

"Yes. "

"Someone's up to something and we don't know what it is. "

He hesitated as if he meant to say more, then sighed and merely repeated, "Yes. "

"Something that has to do with you?"

"I wasn't sure, but since I woke up in a cage - "

"Probably. "

He didn't bother to comment.

"You said there wasn't a cure. "

"There isn't. "

The lights came on with a thunk.

"But there is," said a woman's voice I'd never heard before.

When my eyes adjusted to the sudden light and I saw who'd turned them on, I understood why the voice was so unfamiliar.


Chapter 36

The gypsy girl stood near a door that revealed a small slice of the outside world - dark sky and a full, silver moon.

I glanced uneasily at Malachi, who sat in one corner of the cage, back pressed to the wall. How long had we been here? Was it still the night before the eclipse or was it the night of? Either way, I had a very bad feeling I'd been stuck in here with him for a reason. One I was not going to like.

Sabina let the door slide closed and walked toward us across the long, empty expanse of what appeared to be a warehouse. I'd been here before.

"We're behind the Gazette" I said. "Where they load the trucks. "

Sabina smiled and suddenly she didn't seem so sweet and helpless anymore; I doubted she ever had been.

"Balthazar was kind enough to give me his key before. . . " She paused. "Well, just before. "

Before he'd turned into a wolf? Before he'd exploded and turned into ash? Did it really matter?

"How is it that you can suddenly talk?" I asked.

"I could always talk; I chose not to. When you're mute, people think you're deaf, too. You find out all sorts of things. "

"You haven't talked for centuries?" I found that hard to believe.

"Not to anyone I couldn't trust. "

"Edana," Mal muttered, and the way he said it made me glad I wasn't her.

"Let me out of here," I demanded.