"No. "

"Sabina," Mal began. "You know what's going to happen in a few minutes. "

I glanced at him uneasily. "A few minutes?"

"I feel the eclipse coming. "

Ah, hell.

Sabina just stood on the other side of the double bars, staring at us.

"Sabina!" Mal said more loudly.

Her gaze met his. "You have to do it, ruvanush. It's the only way. "

"I won't. "

"But you will. " Her lips curved. "You won't be able to help yourself. "

"Do what?" I asked.

"He hasn't told you? And here I figured he'd spill his guts so you'd understand why he had to kill you. If it was me, I wouldn't care. I'd do what had to be done; I always do. But him - " She cast a disgusted glance at Malachi. "Over two hundred years looking for you, then he refuses to kill you. "

"I - I don't understand. How could he have been looking for me for two hundred years? I'm not immortal. "

Sabina made a tsking sound and shook her head.

"Didn't tell her that either, ruvanush? Shame on you. At least she should know why you fucked her. "

I winced. I had liked Sabina so much better as a mute.

"And why she let you. "

Malachi's head dropped between his knees, and his hair fell over his face.

"What's she talking about?"

He didn't answer. However, Sabina couldn't seem to shut up. "Have you been plagued by mist lately?"

"There's always mist. . . " I waved my hand. "Because of the mountains. "

"Or the ruvanush. The mist is his magic. "

I frowned, remembering the vapor shooting from Mal's fingers when he'd changed half his band from animal to human, and how it had wandered through my dreams of a mystery lover.

"He didn't have time to court you," Sabina said. "He had to make you want him. He's become quite good at it. Usually the women come to him. But not you. "

Had Malachi been playing me all along? Why should he be any different?

"The mist is a part of him," Sabina said. "It carries his scent, his essence, so that when you met him, he seemed familiar and safe. "

I wanted to hit something, or someone.

"He had to see if you were the one who could end his curse," Sabina continued, "and ours, too. "

I cast Malachi an evil glare. Liar, liar, pants on fire.

"Claire - ," he began, but I looked away.