“Bye Carson,” I quickly say and hang up before he can say more.

Fuck, that was awkward.

I’m half tempted to ring Mandy up and tell her what just happened but I’ve got to start getting ready for work. Flipping the ringer off my phone, I set it down on the bed and walk over to my closet. Pulling down my uniform, I pause for a moment. I don’t know how it happened but after years of spending my nights at home, it seems within the space of an hour my entire weekend is full.

Chapter Eight


My arms are lead by the time I finish up with the gym. I pushed them hard today, I have to. I am not going for the mister perfect award or anything but I need the raw brute strength to pound the shit out of Wade.

Somewhere in between repetitions while bench pressing, a new angle to the fight has taken form for me. I want to not only win this one, but to also put a stop to any thoughts that I will not stand up or go in for a grapple. I figured I would want to do my usual, but I want to make sure I am not just preparing for what they expect me to do.

Shaking my head as I sit before a red light, I try to visualize the plans taking a different shape. It’s hard to change this close to a fight. It makes me question my own sanity. But fuck it, one life and all that motivational shit.

Heading into the dojo I hear shouts of hellos from all the people there. It’s like I’m Norm from Cheers. Except I don’t say “Hey everybody.” Most times I just nod.

I think they have some pool going on, betting when I’ll start talking to everyone like some gabby girl. Doubt I will ever do that shit.

In the locker room Brett is changing into his gear.

Nodding my head, I ask, “How’s things going?”

“Fucking awesome!” He grins as he sits down to tie his shoes. “What about you and Britney?”

“Her name’s Grace,” I say smiling. “And why the fuck did you never mention her to me?”

I snap a hand out at his shoulder, giving it a hard thump.

“Ow, what the fuck, you giant freak of nature… Honestly, she didn’t cross my mind. She was a part of Mandy, ya know?”

I look at him sideways. “Still couldn’t tell a brother you knew a fucking clone of my dream woman?”

He laughs and punches me back on my shoulder. Fucking lightweight, didn’t even hurt. “Dude, she better be much more than a clone to you. Mandy will eat you alive if you hurt Grace.”

“Yeah, I know that,” I sigh and lean back against the lockers. “I don’t think she has anything to worry about with me hurting Grace.”

“Really?” He asks as he watches me for a long time. He is studying me and I figure it’s my turn to get all gossipy.

“Yeah. She’s fucking awesome and her kid is just as cool.”

“Yeah, Mandy was kinda freaked out when she saw you two. She was worried you wouldn’t want a chick around that has a kid.”

“Hope’s not an issue, I like her. Her dad though…”

“Carson, right? Yeah he was a bit of a schmuck back when I knew him. From what I gather things haven’t changed much though.”

Shaking my head, I say, “No, they haven’t.”

Changing the subject, I ask, “You got some time to work on arm locks with me?”

Nodding his head, he stands up when I do. “Yeah, sure.”

* * *

My legs and arms are fucking dead when I walk out of the dojo, but I feel really fucking good after going over ground game technique. I haven’t been doing it nearly enough and it makes me feel like I am on a better level of surety. I want to be more widespread with my skills than I have been focusing on.

Tomorrow I will be starting hard and heavy with takedown defense. Going to start with the basics and work my way up. I know it all, but I want to reinforce those long ago lessons.