Looking down at my phone, I think of Grace.

Damn, I need to see her again already. Taking her home last night sucked, and it still sucks not getting to keep her all night long. But until things are different, I sure as fuck won’t be complaining. I send her a quick text:

Me: What’s the special of the day at Thursday’s?

I wait a few minutes for her to text back.

Grace: Nothing good, it’s salmon but it smells like socks.

Me: Yeah, I’ll pass on that. I need some protein; I’m a growing boy.

Grace: If you get any bigger I don’t know how you will fit!

I pause at that. Surely she isn’t talking about my cock, but hey who knows?

Me: It is pretty big isn’t it.

Grace: OMG, I so did not mean it like that.

Me: It’s ok. I don’t mind you thinking big thoughts about me.

I start up the Escalade and back out of the parking spot. She doesn’t text me for a few minutes as I start driving over towards the restaurant.

Grace: I so just blushed the entire time I took someone’s order. You are corrupting me, now I have all kinds of dirty thoughts in my head.

I stop at a red light and fire off a quick text. Before I start driving again, I set the phone down in the seat beside me to focus on driving.

Me: Tell me all about them when I get there.

She texts me back twice as I am heading over there but I don’t have the chance to look at the screen. The drive is pretty quick though.

Walking into the restaurant, I see DeeDee again and smile down to her. She is a cute little flighty thing. “You here to see Grace?”

Nodding my head, I follow her as she leads me to my girl’s section. Sitting down in the booth, I check my phone and see what Grace text me back with.

Grace: Wait, what?

Grace: You’re really coming here tonight? Crap! I so am not telling you what I thought about!

Grace comes out to my table, her cheeks flushed a beautiful red. She is smiling though and I like that about her. She smiles and when she does the whole world lights up with her.

She has that kind loving motherly smile sometimes, it makes me warm somewhere in my stomach. Then she has that horny arousal smile that makes my cock instantly stick straight up. Right now she’s smiling like she’s both horny and embarrassed and it’s making me horny as fuck thinking about why she is smiling that way.

She takes my order of steaks, potatoes and lots of veggies. With an eyebrow raised, she asks, “Where are you going to put all that?”

“I gotta keep up with you, babe, so I need all the energy I can get. You were insatiable,” I say with a wink.

Grace turns an even brighter red as she glances around us, making sure no one hear. Thankfully it’s after rush and the section is relatively empty. “You…That’s…”

I grin and she huffs out a deep breath. “You… were… you… ugh!”

Stomping away, I grin at her wiggling backside. Yeah, I probably shouldn’t but I let out a low wolf whistle. She turns around to face me and I swear if looks could kill…

She turns back around and disappears behind the server’s station.

I chuckle to myself as I look down at my phone. I swipe through all the email that has been piling up the last couple of days. Most of it is junk shit from companies I don’t even know about, but one is from my sports agent telling me he has something he wants to talk about and to call him as soon as I get a chance.

Scrolling through the directory, I find my agent’s number and dial him.