“I jus…” Hope starts, but fades away. “Okay, Mommy, but I wanna talk to you later.”

We head out and I take them to my favorite diner for breakfast. I know I should not be breaking my diet this close to a fight but it’s worth it.

We then head over to pick up her car so I can follow her back home.

I don’t know why but even after all the shit that’s happened today, I’m not ready to say goodbye to either of them. I really want to spend the rest of my day with this girl.

Chapter Three


Somehow Max talked me into spending the day with him.

He bought us breakfast, ordered Hope a stack of pancakes as tall as she was, and finished them for her—with relish—when she couldn’t. Then he helped me pick up my car and followed us home.

I thought that would be that. It was nice knowing him. He’s obviously a good guy but couldn’t possibly want more from me. Unless he thinks I owe him or something, but I don’t get that feeling from him.

I was so surprised he’d didn’t peel out, making his getaway while he had the chance, I agreed to get back in his car with Hope, even though I have a ton of stuff to do today. It’s Saturday and I usually use the weekend to get my chores and errands done. There’s laundry to be folded and cleaning to be completed before I start my evening shift…

But how can I resist him? Between his puppy dog eyes and Hope’s pleading, I don’t stand a chance and quickly cave in. Though to be honest, I didn’t put up much of a fight. I’m eager for a chance to spend more time with Max.

There’s just something about him… The way he grabs my hand, taking possession of it, like he has the right to. He looks at me and there’s such heat in his eyes, I’m glad Hope is in the back and can’t see me flushing, or the way I can’t help squirming when I look back at him, remembering what we didn’t finish.

He stood up for us against Carson, and while a part of me hates that he had to do that another part of me is glad. With him… I feel safe, I feel protected. I can’t remember another time I’ve ever felt like this. And it’s not just because he’s big, the man is freakin’ enormous. When he told Hope his friends call him Bear, I wasn’t surprised in the least. That’s exactly what he looks like, a great big grizzly Bear covered in tattoos.

A great big, sexy Bear covered in tattoos.

Oh shit, am I drooling? I better stop that.

Where was I? Oh yes, I feel safe and protected with Max not because of his size, but because when he confronted Carson there was this look in his eyes, like he was willing to go all the way, it just wasn’t a show or him just acting cocky. I have this feeling, this knowing, that if Carson would have pushed it further Max would have made him regret it. And the small dark part of me would have liked to see it. I know, I’m totally bad.

We’re driving towards Max’s house; I know because the area is unmistakable. There are very few places around here where there are so many trees so close together. This part of town just reeks of money, probably because of all the green and the golf course we drive past.

Turning off the main road, we follow a twisty, curvy drive that brings us right up next to the lake I’ve been smelling.

“There’s a playground up the path…” Max says before Hope cuts him off.

“Playground?!” Hope repeats excitedly from the backseat.

“Yeah,” Max chuckles as he parks the car. “You wanna check it out?”

Hope bounces around. “Yes, please!”

I smile over at him as I unbuckle my seatbelt. “Going to the park to play is her favorite thing to do.”

Mine too, especially because it’s free.

He nods and climbs out of his side. He gets to Hope before I do, opening the door for her as she bounces out of her seat. I can’t help but laugh as he jumps back to keep from getting run over. I’ve never seen such a big guy move so fast before, it was almost like he was honestly afraid.

And she’s off, Hope takes off running down the path without waiting for us.

I cup my hands around my mouth and call out, “Hope, slow down!”

She slows long enough to call back, “Okay, Mommy!”

I sigh and give Max the what-can-you-do shrug. After all the drama of this morning I’m not going to begrudge her this little thing. She needs to have some fun to forget how much of a dick her dad is being.

Max grins and reaches out, grabbing my hand. We follow after her but much more slowly.