The path we walk curves around the lake, shaded by the trees. It’s easy to see the playground from here, and there appears to be a handful of kids playing happily. I keep Hope in my sight at all times, but otherwise I don’t worry. This seems like a safe enough place.

“This is such a nice area,” I say, taking in the lake. The water is clean and clear; I can see fish swimming just beneath the surface. Ducks paddle about and nest beneath the trees.

Max only grunts in reply so I keep on talking. “I’ve never been up here before. I didn’t even know any of this was tucked back here. Is this all privately owned property?”

He nods.

“Have you lived here long?”

He nods again. I don’t know if it’s because he’s not much of a talker or if it’s being here, in this perfect place after all the stuff that went down this morning, but I’m suddenly filled with nervous energy.

“I’m sorry about this morning,” I rush out in apology, my steps slowing as we approach the play area. Hope is already swinging across the monkey bars and singing with another girl close to her age so I don’t have to worry about her overhearing me. “I’m really, really sorry you got dragged into that. If I would have known…”

Using my hand, Max pulls me in close and looks down at me. Being this close to him, looking up, makes me feel so tiny.

“Don’t be,” he says firmly but my mouth is already started up and just keeps going.

“If I would have known all that was going to go down, I would have just asked you to drop me off at my car so you could go on with your day.”

He shakes his head and his brow pulls down.

“I know you have better things to do than spend your day with…”

I don’t get to finish what I was saying.

Bending down, he smashes his mouth against my mouth, cutting me off abruptly. He kisses me so fast, so passionately, when he pulls away I feel dazed. Like the big guy just kissed me silly.

My lips tingle with awareness and my chin is sensitive from where his beard rubbing against me. I pant up at him, forgetting everything I wanted to say. Did that just happen? It was so awesome, so fast, I seriously need a repeat to believe it.

He grins down at me, his eyes warm as he tells me, “I’m doing exactly what I want to be doing.”

I open my mouth but I don’t know what to say because honestly, I’m not exactly doing what I want to be doing. This morning I really wanted him to be doing me, and now I can’t seem to stop thinking about him doing me.

Gazing into my eyes, Max has this way of looking at me as if he knows exactly what I’m thinking. I watch his own eyes light up with heat and I have to look away.


We’re in a public park, I have to remind myself, with my daughter playing only a few feet away. Time to tone down the PDA and put some distance between us before this gets out of hand fast.

It’s been so long since a guy has made me feel like this—has made me feel anything—my body must be on a hair trigger or something because all I want to do is press my body up against his and kiss him again.

All I want to feel is his lips smashing against my lips again, his soft beard scratching against my chin and that monster cock he has trapped in his pants grinding…

Bad Grace, stop that.

“What are you doing tonight?” he asks me as he leads me over to a bench under a tree. We sit down beside each other to watch Hope play. I’m grateful she’s too busy having fun to see mommy making out with her new friend.

“I have to work,” I sigh regretfully.

“How about tomorrow night?” He asks completely unfazed.

I bite my lip. I’m not scheduled to work but it is a school night for Hope, I’ll have to get up early the next morning. “I’m available, but I can’t be out late…”


Dropping off Grace and Hope is a new experience for me, I’ve never really been the missing someone type. Now I got two smiling little imps in my mind.

I slide my Escalade into the garage and get out. Last night was one long night, one that has left my body on edge.